Ticket #10382: boost_bug10382.patch

File boost_bug10382.patch, 1.1 KB (added by mikael.s.persson@…, 8 years ago)

Patch on stored_edge class for bug10382

  • .hpp

    diff --git a/adjacency_list.hpp b/adjacency_list_new.hpp
    index 7ed594f..cac73ef 100644
    old new namespace boost {  
    243243        m_target = x.m_target;
    244244        return *this;
    245245      }
     248#if !(defined(BOOST_MSVC) || (defined(BOOST_GCC) || (BOOST_GCC / 100) < 406))
     249      // Copy-construct is not necessary since stored_edge_property is non-copyable (only movable)
     250      // but it doesn't hurt to have it, does it?
     251      stored_edge(const stored_edge&) = default;
     252      stored_edge(stored_edge&&) = default;
     253      stored_edge& operator=(stored_edge&&) = default;
     254#endif  // If no good defaulting support, rely on the copy functions (see stored_edge_property below).
     255#endif  // If no rvalue support, no need to define move functions.
    246257      inline Vertex& get_target() const { return m_target; }
    247258      inline const no_property& get_property() const { return s_prop; }
    248259      inline bool operator==(const stored_edge& x) const