Ticket #10682: fix_typo.patch

File fix_typo.patch, 9.3 KB (added by anonymous, 8 years ago)
  • regex/doc/history.qbk

    diff -u -r a/regex/doc/history.qbk b/regex/doc/history.qbk
    a b  
    2525* Fixed documentation typos from [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/9283 #9283].
    2626* Fixed bug in collation code that failed if the locale generated collation strings with embedded nul's,
    2727see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/9451 #9451].
    28 * Apply patch for unusual thread usage (no statically initiallized mutexes), see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/9461 #9461].
     28* Apply patch for unusual thread usage (no statically initialized mutexes), see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/9461 #9461].
    2929* Added better checks for invalid UTF-8 sequences, see [@https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/9473 #9473].
    3131[h4 Boost-1.54]
    153153* Breaking Change: POSIX-extended and POSIX-basic regular expressions now enforce the letter of the POSIX standard much more closely than before.
    154154* Added support for (?imsx-imsx) constructs.
    155155* Added support for lookbehind expressions (?<=positive-lookbehind) and (?<!negative-lookbehind).
    156 * Added support for conditional expressions (?(assertion)true-expresion|false-expression).
     156* Added support for conditional expressions (?(assertion)true-expression|false-expression).
    157157* Added MFC/ATL string wrappers.
    158158* Added Unicode support; based on ICU.
    159159* Changed newline support to recognise \\f as a line separator (all character types), and \\x85 as a line separator for wide characters / Unicode only.
  • regex/doc/install.qbk

    diff -u -r a/regex/doc/install.qbk b/regex/doc/install.qbk
    a b  
    4444       - has_icu builds           : yes
    46 Whick means that ICU has been found, and support for it will be enabled
     46Which means that ICU has been found, and support for it will be enabled
    4747in the library build. 
    4949[tip If you don't want the regex library to use ICU then build with the
  • regex/doc/introduction.qbk

    diff -u -r a/regex/doc/introduction.qbk b/regex/doc/introduction.qbk
    a b  
    6969the escape is seen once by the C++ compiler, before it gets to be seen by
    7070the regular expression engine, consequently escapes in regular expressions
    7171have to be doubled up when embedding them in C/C++ code. Also note that
    72 all the examples assume that your compiler supports argument-dependent-lookup
     72all the examples assume that your compiler supports argument-dependent 
    7373lookup, if yours doesn't (for example VC6), then you will have to add some
    7474`boost::` prefixes to some of the function calls in the examples.
  • regex/doc/locale.qbk

    diff -u -r a/regex/doc/locale.qbk b/regex/doc/locale.qbk
    a b  
    165165        [[150][The character which when preceded by an escape character represents any single character.]["C"    ]]
    166166        [[151][The character which when preceded by an escape character represents end of buffer operator.]["Z"          ]]
    167167        [[152][The character which when preceded by an escape character represents the continuation assertion.]["G"      ]]
    168         [[153][The character which when preceeded by (? indicates a zero width negated forward lookahead assert.][!      ]]
     168        [[153][The character which when preceded by (? indicates a zero width negated forward lookahead assert.][!       ]]
    171171Custom error messages are loaded as follows:
  • regex/doc/non_std_strings.qbk

    diff -u -r a/regex/doc/non_std_strings.qbk b/regex/doc/non_std_strings.qbk
    a b  
    1717with it's length, can be converted into a pair of pointers (which can be
    1818used as iterators).
    20 Some non-standard string types are sufficiently common that wappers have been
     20Some non-standard string types are sufficiently common that wrappers have been
    2121provided for them already: currently this includes the ICU and MFC string class
  • regex/doc/old_regex.qbk

    diff -u -r a/regex/doc/old_regex.qbk b/regex/doc/old_regex.qbk
    a b  
    109109         `SetExpression(p, false)`. Throws [bad_expression] on failure.          ]]
    110110[[`RegEx& operator=(const std::string& s);`][Assignment operator, equivalent to
    111111         calling `SetExpression(s, false)`. Throws [bad_expression] on failure.          ]]
    112 [[`unsigned int SetExpression(constchar* p, bool icase = false);`][Sets the
     112[[`unsigned int SetExpression(const char* p, bool icase = false);`][Sets the
    113113         current expression to /p/, if /icase/ is true then matching is
    114114         insensitive to case, otherwise it is sensitive to case.
    115115         Throws [bad_expression] on failure.     ]]
    165165         [match_flag_type] /flags/. For each match pushes the starting index of what
    166166         matched onto /v/. Returns the number of matches found.          ]]
    167167[[`unsigned int GrepFiles(GrepFileCallback cb, const char* files, bool recurse = false, boost::match_flag_type flags = match_default);`]
    168          [Finds all matches of the current expression in the files files using
     168         [Finds all matches of the current expression in the files /files/ using
    169169         the [match_flag_type] /flags/. For each match calls the call-back function cb.
    170170         If the call-back returns false then the algorithm returns without
    171171         considering further matches in the current file, or any further files.
    179179         May throw an exception derived from `std::runtime_error` if file io fails.]]
    180180[[`unsigned int GrepFiles(GrepFileCallback cb, const std::string& files, bool recurse = false, boost::match_flag_type flags = match_default);`]
    181          [Finds all matches of the current expression in the files files using the
     181         [Finds all matches of the current expression in the files /files/ using the
    182182         [match_flag_type] /flags/. For each match calls the call-back function cb.
    184184         If the call-back returns false then the algorithm returns without
    229229         to determine what gets matched, and how the format string should be
    230230         treated. If /copy/ is true then all unmatched sections of input are
    231231         copied unchanged to output, if the flag /format_first_only/ is set then
    232          only the first occurance of the pattern found is replaced.
     232         only the first occurrence of the pattern found is replaced.
    233233         Returns the new string. See also
    234234         [link boost_regex.format format string syntax], and [match_flag_type].]]
    235235[[`std::string Merge(const char* in, const char* fmt, bool copy = true, boost::match_flag_type flags = match_default);`]
    239239         what gets matched, and how the format string should be treated.
    240240         If /copy/ is true then all unmatched sections of input are copied
    241241         unchanged to output, if the flag /format_first_only/ is set then only
    242          the first occurance of the pattern found is replaced. Returns
     242         the first occurrence of the pattern found is replaced. Returns
    243243         the new string. See also [link boost_regex.format format string syntax], and [match_flag_type].]]
    244244[[`unsigned Split(std::vector<std::string>& v, std::string& s, boost::match_flag_type flags = match_default, unsigned max_count = ~0);`]
    245245         [Splits the input string and pushes each one onto the vector.
  • regex/doc/regex_split.qbk

    diff -u -r a/regex/doc/regex_split.qbk b/regex/doc/regex_split.qbk
    a b  
    8787      char c;
    8888      while(is.get(c))
    8989      {
    90          // use logarithmic growth stategy, in case
     90         // use logarithmic growth strategy, in case
    9191         // in_avail (above) returned zero:
    9292         if(s.capacity() == s.size())
    9393            s.reserve(s.capacity() * 3);
  • regex/doc/syntax_basic.qbk

    diff -u -r a/regex/doc/syntax_basic.qbk b/regex/doc/syntax_basic.qbk
    a b  
    156156A collating element is any single character, or any sequence of
    157157characters that collates as a single unit.  Collating elements may also
    158158be used as the end point of a range, for example: `[[.ae.]-c]` matches
    159 the character sequence "ae", plus any single character in the rangle "ae"-c,
     159the character sequence "ae", plus any single character in the range "ae"-c,
    160160assuming that "ae" is treated as a single collating element in the current locale.
    162162Collating elements may be used in place of escapes (which are not
  • regex/include/boost/regex/v4/regex_workaround.hpp

    diff -u -r a/regex/include/boost/regex/v4/regex_workaround.hpp b/regex/include/boost/regex/v4/regex_workaround.hpp
    a b  
    7373 *
    74  *  Fix broken broken namespace support:
     74 *  Fix broken namespace support:
    7575 *
    7676 ****************************************************************************/