Ticket #10816: fix_typo.patch

File fix_typo.patch, 4.1 KB (added by oss.2012.team+2014D@…, 8 years ago)
  • doc/distributions/hyperexponential.qbk

    a b  
    111 Similarly, if a product manufactured in several parallel assemply lines and the outputs are merged, the failure density of the overall product is likely to be hyperexponential (Trivedi,2002).
     111Similarly, if a product manufactured in several parallel assembly lines and the outputs are merged, the failure density of the overall product is likely to be hyperexponential (Trivedi,2002).
    289 disambiguage between this and other 2-argument constructors.  Refer to the source code for more details.]
     289disambiguate between this and other 2-argument constructors.  Refer to the source code for more details.]
    305 [h4 Construction with rates-iterators (and all phase probablities equal)]
     305[h4 Construction with rates-iterators (and all phase probabilities equal)]
    317 disambiguage between this and other 2-argument constructors.  Refer to the source code for more details.]
     317disambiguate between this and other 2-argument constructors.  Refer to the source code for more details.]
  • doc/distributions/hypergeometric.qbk

    a b  
    61 Constructs a hypergeometric distribution with with a population of /N/ objects,
     61Constructs a hypergeometric distribution with a population of /N/ objects,
    128 In general for very large N, the user should expect to loose log[sub 10]N
     128In general for very large N, the user should expect to lose log[sub 10]N
    198 to loose around log[sub 10]N decimal digits during the calculation in
     198to lose around log[sub 10]N decimal digits during the calculation in
  • doc/sf/bernoulli_numbers.qbk

    a b  
    66 It is implemented as a direct (and very fast) table lookup, and while not recomended for general use it can be useful
     66It is implemented as a direct (and very fast) table lookup, and while not recommended for general use it can be useful
    77 larger indexes can be passed to `bernoulli_b2n<T>(n)`, but then then you loose fast table lookup (i.e. values may need to be calculated).
     77larger indexes can be passed to `bernoulli_b2n<T>(n)`, but then you lose fast table lookup (i.e. values may need to be calculated).
    157 free programming), this imparts a much lower overhead on access to cached values than might overwise be expected -
    158 typically for multiprecision types the cost of thread synchronisation is negligable, while for built in types
     157free programming), this imparts a much lower overhead on access to cached values than might otherwise be expected -
     158typically for multiprecision types the cost of thread synchronisation is negligible, while for built in types
  • doc/sf/number_series.qbk

    a b  
    68 It is implemented as a direct (and very fast) table lookup, and while not recomended for general use it can be useful
     68It is implemented as a direct (and very fast) table lookup, and while not recommended for general use it can be useful
    79 larger indexes can be passed to `bernoulli_b2n<T>(n)`, but then then you loose fast table lookup (i.e. values may need to be calculated).
     79larger indexes can be passed to `bernoulli_b2n<T>(n)`, but then you lose fast table lookup (i.e. values may need to be calculated).
    159 free programming), this imparts a much lower overhead on access to cached values than might overwise be expected -
    160 typically for multiprecision types the cost of thread synchronisation is negligable, while for built in types
     159free programming), this imparts a much lower overhead on access to cached values than might otherwise be expected -
     160typically for multiprecision types the cost of thread synchronisation is negligible, while for built in types