Ticket #11042: signals.patch

File signals.patch, 1.2 KB (added by Erik Levin <p.erik.d.levin@…>, 8 years ago)
  • signals2/detail/signal_template.hpp

    401401        };
    402402        // Destructor of invocation_janitor does some cleanup when a signal invocation completes.
    403403        // Code can't be put directly in signal's operator() due to complications from void return types.
    404         class invocation_janitor
     404        class invocation_janitor : noncopyable
    405405        {
    406406        public:
    407407          typedef BOOST_SIGNALS2_SIGNAL_IMPL_CLASS_NAME(BOOST_SIGNALS2_NUM_ARGS) signal_type;
  • function_output_iterator.hpp

    3030    explicit function_output_iterator(const UnaryFunction& f)
    3131      : m_f(f) {}
    33     struct output_proxy {
     33    struct output_proxy : noncopyable {
    3434      output_proxy(UnaryFunction& f) : m_f(f) { }
    3535      template <class T> output_proxy& operator=(const T& value) {
    3636        m_f(value);