1 | #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE edge_disjoint_ksp
2 |
3 | #include "edge_disjoint_ksp.hpp"
4 |
5 | #include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
6 | #include <boost/graph/filtered_graph.hpp>
7 | #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
8 |
9 | #include <list>
10 |
11 | typedef
12 | boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::bidirectionalS,
13 | boost::no_property,
14 | boost::property<boost::edge_weight_t, int> >
15 | Graph;
16 |
17 | typedef Graph::edge_descriptor Edge;
18 | typedef Graph::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
19 | typedef std::list<Edge> Path;
20 |
21 | using namespace std;
22 |
23 | // Add an edge, test it, and set weight.
24 | Edge
25 | ade(Graph &g, Vertex s, Vertex d, int w)
26 | {
27 | Edge e;
28 | bool success;
29 |
30 | boost::tie(e, success) = add_edge(s, d, g);
31 | assert(success);
32 |
33 | boost::get(boost::edge_weight, g, e) = w;
34 |
35 | return e;
36 | }
37 |
38 | pair<Edge, Edge>
39 | aue(Graph &g, Vertex s, Vertex d, int w)
40 | {
41 | return make_pair(ade(g, s, d, w), ade(g, d, s, w));
42 | }
43 |
44 | bool
45 | check_path(const std::list<std::pair<int, Path>> &r, int w, const Path &p)
46 | {
47 | for(auto const &ele: r)
48 | if (ele.first == w && ele.second == p)
49 | return true;
50 |
51 | return false;
52 | }
53 |
54 | // a
55 | // /|\
56 | // 4 | 6 --5--
57 | // / | \ / \
58 | // b 2 c d
59 | // \ | / \ /
60 | // 1 | 3 --7--
61 | // \|/
62 | // e
63 |
64 | BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(edge_disjoint_ksp_test)
65 | {
66 | Graph g(5);
67 |
68 | // Vertexes
69 | Vertex a = *(vertices(g).first + 0);
70 | Vertex b = *(vertices(g).first + 1);
71 | Vertex c = *(vertices(g).first + 2);
72 | Vertex d = *(vertices(g).first + 3);
73 | Vertex e = *(vertices(g).first + 4);
74 |
75 | // Edges
76 | Edge ab, ba;
77 | Edge ae, ea;
78 | Edge ac, ca;
79 | Edge be, eb;
80 | Edge cd1, dc1;
81 | Edge cd2, dc2;
82 | Edge ce, ec;
83 |
84 | tie(ab, ba) = aue(g, a, b, 4);
85 | tie(ae, ea) = aue(g, a, e, 2);
86 | tie(ac, ca) = aue(g, a, c, 6);
87 | tie(be, eb) = aue(g, b, e, 1);
88 | tie(cd1, dc1) = aue(g, c, d, 5);
89 | tie(cd2, dc2) = aue(g, c, d, 7);
90 | tie(ce, ec) = aue(g, c, e, 3);
91 |
92 | std::list<std::pair<int, Path>> r;
93 |
94 | r = boost::edge_disjoint_ksp(g, c, d);
95 | BOOST_CHECK(r.size() == 2);
96 | BOOST_CHECK(check_path(r, 5, Path{cd1}));
97 | BOOST_CHECK(check_path(r, 7, Path{cd2}));
98 |
99 | r = boost::edge_disjoint_ksp(g, b, d);
100 | BOOST_CHECK(r.size() == 2);
101 | BOOST_CHECK(check_path(r, 9, Path{be, ec, cd1}));
102 | BOOST_CHECK(check_path(r, 17, Path{ba, ac, cd2}));
103 |
104 | // Limit the search to 1 path.
105 | r = boost::edge_disjoint_ksp(g, a, e, 1);
106 | BOOST_CHECK(r.size() == 1);
107 | BOOST_CHECK(check_path(r, 2, Path{ae}));
108 |
109 | // Limit the search to 2 paths.
110 | r = boost::edge_disjoint_ksp(g, a, e, 2);
111 | BOOST_CHECK(r.size() == 2);
112 | BOOST_CHECK(check_path(r, 2, Path{ae}));
113 | BOOST_CHECK(check_path(r, 5, Path{ab, be}));
114 |
115 | // Don't limit the search, and get 3 paths.
116 | r = boost::edge_disjoint_ksp(g, a, e);
117 | BOOST_CHECK(r.size() == 3);
118 | BOOST_CHECK(check_path(r, 2, Path{ae}));
119 | BOOST_CHECK(check_path(r, 5, Path{ab, be}));
120 | BOOST_CHECK(check_path(r, 9, Path{ac, ce}));
121 | }