1 | #include <stdint.h>
2 | #include <stdio.h>
3 | #include <cmath>
4 | #include <iostream>
5 | #include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_bin_float.hpp>
6 |
7 | typedef boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::cpp_bin_float<128, boost::multiprecision::backends::digit_base_2> > boost_quadfloat_t;
8 |
9 | float my_convert_to_float(const boost_quadfloat_t& x)
10 | {
11 | if (isnormal(x)) {
12 | if (x.backend().exponent() < -127+1) {
13 | // subnormal or zero
14 | if (x.backend().exponent() < -127 - 23) {
15 | return x.backend().sign() ? -0.0f : 0.0f; // underflow
16 | }
17 | float adj = x.backend().sign() ? -FLT_MIN : FLT_MIN;
18 | boost_quadfloat_t tmp = x + adj;
19 | return tmp.convert_to<float>() - adj;
20 | }
21 | }
22 | return x.convert_to<float>();
23 | }
24 |
25 | int main(int , char** )
26 | {
27 | boost_quadfloat_t b = ldexp(boost_quadfloat_t(0x8000017f), -31 - 127);
28 | float f0 = b.convert_to<float>();
29 | float f1 = std::nexttoward(f0, f0 < b ? FLT_MAX : -FLT_MAX);
30 |
31 | std::cout
32 | << std::setprecision(11)
33 | << b << " = b\n"
34 | << f0 << " = f0 = b.convert_to<float>()\n"
35 | << f1 << " = f1 = std::nexttoward (f0, ...)\n"
36 | << abs(f0 - b) << " = abs(f0 - b)\n"
37 | << abs(f1 - b) << " = abs(f1 - b)\n"
38 | << ((abs(f1 - b) < abs(f0 - b)) ? "f0 is not the closest representable float!!!\n" : "o.k.\n")
39 | ;
40 |
41 | f0 = my_convert_to_float(b);
42 | f1 = std::nexttoward (f0, f0 < b ? FLT_MAX : -FLT_MAX);
43 | std::cout
44 | << f0 << " = f0 = my_convert_to_float(b)\n"
45 | << f1 << " = f1 = std::nexttoward (f0, ...)\n"
46 | << abs(f0 - b) << " = abs(f0 - b)\n"
47 | << abs(f1 - b) << " = abs(f1 - b)\n"
48 | << ((abs(f1 - b) < abs(f0 - b)) ? "f0 is not the closest representable float!!!\n" : "o.k.\n")
49 | ;
50 |
51 | return 0;
52 | }