Ticket #1707: archive_reference.html.patch

File archive_reference.html.patch, 1.1 KB (added by esteve.fernandez@…, 15 years ago)
  • archive_reference.html

    6767<dt><h4><code>void load(T &t);</code></h4></dt>
    6969This function must be implemented for all primitive data types.  This can be
    70 accomplished through the use of a member template or explict declarations
     70accomplished through the use of a member template or explicit declarations
    7171for all primitive types.
    154154<strong>Default</strong>:Does nothing.<br>
    155155<strong>Purpose</strong>:Called <strong>each time</strong> user data is saved.
    156 Its not called when archive book keeping data is saved.  This is used by XML archives
     156It's not called when archive book keeping data is saved.  This is used by XML archives
    157157to determine  when to inject a "&gt;" character at end of XML header. XML output archives
    158158keep their own internal flag indicating that data being written is header data. This
    159159internal flag is reset when an object start tag is written. When