Ticket #1747: archive.patch

File archive.patch, 2.2 KB (added by Richard Webb <richard.webb@…>, 15 years ago)
  • array/iarchive.hpp

    6666  // the optimized implementation for vector uses serialization::array
    6767  template<class ValueType, class Allocator>
    6868  void load_optimized(
    69     std::vector<ValueType, Allocator> &t, unsigned int version, mpl::true_)
     69    std::vector<ValueType, Allocator> &t, unsigned int /*version*/, mpl::true_)
    7070  {
    7171    t.clear();
    7272    // retrieve number of elements
  • basic_streambuf_locale_saver.hpp

    4949    void  restore()
    5050        { s_save_.pubimbue( a_save_ ); }
     52    basic_streambuf_locale_saver& operator=(const basic_streambuf_locale_saver&);
    5254    state_type &       s_save_;
    5355    aspect_type const  a_save_;
  • detail/common_iarchive.hpp

    6060    }
    6161    // default implementations of functions which emit start/end tags for
    6262    // archive types that require them.
    63     void load_start(const char *name){}
    64     void load_end(const char *name){}
     63    void load_start(const char * /*name*/){}
     64    void load_end(const char * /*name*/){}
    6565    // default archive initialization
    6666    common_iarchive(unsigned int flags = 0) :
    6767        basic_iarchive(flags),
  • detail/common_oarchive.hpp

    6363    void save_override(T & t, BOOST_PFTO int){
    6464        archive::save(* this->This(), t);
    6565    }
    66     void save_start(const char *name){}
    67     void save_end(const char *name){}
     66    void save_start(const char * /*name*/){}
     67    void save_end(const char * /*name*/){}
    6868    common_oarchive(unsigned int flags = 0) :
    6969        basic_oarchive(flags),
    7070        interface_oarchive<Archive>()