Ticket #1747: serial.diff

File serial.diff, 4.7 KB (added by Richard Webb <richard.webb@…>, 15 years ago)
  • array.hpp

    4848    {
    4949      return m_element_count;
    5050    }
     53    array& operator=(const array&);
    5456    value_type* m_t;
    5557    std::size_t const m_element_count;
  • binary_object.hpp

    5656        m_t(rhs.m_t),
    5757        m_size(rhs.m_size)
    5858    {}
     61    binary_object& operator=(const binary_object&);
    6164// just a little helper to support the convention that all serialization
  • deque.hpp

    4242inline void load(
    4343    Archive & ar,
    4444    std::deque<U, Allocator> &t,
    45     const unsigned int file_version
     45    const unsigned int /*file_version*/
    4747    boost::serialization::stl::load_collection<
    4848        Archive,
  • export.hpp

    115115template<class T>
    116116struct guid_initializer
    118     const guid_initializer & export_guid(char const* key, mpl::false_){
     118    const guid_initializer & export_guid(char const* /*key*/, mpl::false_){
    119119        // generates the statically-initialized objects whose constructors
    120120        // register the information allowing serialization of T objects
    121121        // through pointers to their base classes.
    122122        instantiate_ptr_serialization((T*)0, 0, adl_tag());
    123123        return *this;
    124124    }
    125     const guid_initializer & export_guid(char const* key, mpl::true_){
     125    const guid_initializer & export_guid(char const* /*key*/, mpl::true_){
    126126        return *this;
    127127    }
    128128    const guid_initializer & export_guid(char const* key){
  • extended_type_info.hpp

    4242    // included in implementation of sets and maps.
    4343    const unsigned int m_type_info_key;
    4444    virtual bool
    45     is_less_than(const extended_type_info &rhs) const {
     45    is_less_than(const extended_type_info &/*rhs*/) const {
    4646        assert(false);
    4747        return false;
    4848    };
    4949    virtual bool
    50     is_equal(const extended_type_info &rhs) const {
     50    is_equal(const extended_type_info &/*rhs*/) const {
    5151        assert(false);
    5252        return false;
    5353    };
    7575    }
    7676    static const extended_type_info * find(const char *key);
    7777    // for plugins
    78     virtual void * construct(unsigned int count = 0, ...) const {
     78    virtual void * construct(unsigned int /*count*/ = 0, ...) const {
    7979        assert(false); // must be implemented if used
    8080        return NULL;
    8181    };
    82     virtual void destroy(void const * const p) const {
     82    virtual void destroy(void const * const /*p*/) const {
    8383        assert(false); // must be implemented if used
    8484    }
  • valarray.hpp

    3737// valarray<T>
    3939template<class Archive, class U>
    40 void save( Archive & ar, const STD::valarray<U> &t, const unsigned int file_version )
     40void save( Archive & ar, const STD::valarray<U> &t, const unsigned int /*file_version*/ )
    4242  const collection_size_type count(t.size());
    4343  ar << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(count);
    4949template<class Archive, class U>
    50 void load( Archive & ar, STD::valarray<U> &t,  const unsigned int file_version )
     50void load( Archive & ar, STD::valarray<U> &t,  const unsigned int /*file_version*/ )
    5252  collection_size_type count;
    5353  ar >> BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(count);
  • variant.hpp

    6363void save(
    6464    Archive & ar,
    6565    boost::variant<BOOST_VARIANT_ENUM_PARAMS(T)> const & v,
    66     unsigned int version
     66    unsigned int /*version*/
    6868    int which = v.which();
    6969    ar << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(which);
    7878    struct load_null {
    7979        template<class Archive, class V>
    8080        static void invoke(
    81             Archive & ar,
    82             int which,
    83             V & v,
    84             unsigned int version
     81            Archive & /*ar*/,
     82            int /*which*/,
     83            V & /*v*/,
     84            unsigned int /*version*/
    8585        ){}
    8686    };