Ticket #1913: PATCH.null_deleter.diff

File PATCH.null_deleter.diff, 5.7 KB (added by Carsten Neumann <carsten_neumann@…>, 10 years ago)

makes null_deleter available from boost/smart_ptr/null_deleter.hpp, minimal docs & test case

  • new file oost/smart_ptr/null_deleter.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/smart_ptr/null_deleter.hpp b/boost/smart_ptr/null_deleter.hpp
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..1fd2cfe
    - +  
     5//  null_deleter.hpp
     7//  (C) Copyright 2004 Robert Ramey and Martin Ecker
     9//  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
     10//  accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
     11//  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
     13//  See http://www.boost.org/libs/smart_ptr/null_deleter.htm for documentation.
     16namespace boost
     19//  A deleter that does nothing, allows usage of shared_ptr with stack
     20//  allocated or static objects.
     21//  Taken from boost/serialization/shared_ptr.hpp
     23struct null_deleter
     25    void operator()(void const *) const {}
     28} // namespace boost
  • new file libs/smart_ptr/null_deleter.htm

    diff --git a/libs/smart_ptr/null_deleter.htm b/libs/smart_ptr/null_deleter.htm
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..aead4ba
    - +  
     3    <head>
     4        <title>pointer_cast.hpp</title>
     5    </head>
     6    <body>
     7        <h1><IMG height="86" alt="C++ Boost" src="../../boost.png" width="277" align="middle" border="0">Null Deleter</h1>
     8        <H2><A name="synopsis">Synopsis</A></H2>
     9        <P>A trivial deleter for use with <code>boost::shared_ptr&lt;...&gt;</code> to make it possible to
     10        have <code>boost::shared_ptr&lt;...&gt;</code> "own" objects that are cleaned up by
     11        some other mechanism (for example because they are created on the stack).
     12        <BLOCKQUOTE>
     13            <PRE>
     14namespace boost {
     16struct null_deleter
     18    void operator()(void const *) const;
     21} // namespace boost
     22            </PRE>
     23        </BLOCKQUOTE>
     24        <hr>
     25        <p>Revised: $Date$</p>
     26        <p>Copyright 2004 Robert Ramey and Martin Ecker. Use, modification, and distribution are subject to
     27        the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file <A href="../../LICENSE_1_0.txt">
     28        LICENSE_1_0.txt</A> or a copy at &lt;<A href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt</A>&gt;.)</p>
     29    </body>
  • libs/smart_ptr/smart_ptr.htm

    diff --git a/libs/smart_ptr/smart_ptr.htm b/libs/smart_ptr/smart_ptr.htm
    index 92ad2be..9115740 100644
    a b  
    7272                                </tr>
    7373                        </table>
    7474                </div>
     75                <p>A trivial deleter to allow use of <a href="shared_ptr.htm"><b>shared_ptr</b></a> with stack
     76                   allocated objects is provided as well:</p>
     77                <div align="left">
     78            <table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
     79                <tr>
     80                    <td><a href="null_deleter.htm"><b>null_deleter</b></a></td>
     81                    <td><a href="../../boost/smart_ptr/null_deleter.hpp">&lt;boost/smart_ptr/null_deleter.hpp&gt;</a></td>
     82                    <td>No-op deleter for <code>shared_ptr</code>.</td>
     83                </tr>
     84            </table>
     85                </div>
    7586                <p>A test program, <a href="test/smart_ptr_test.cpp">smart_ptr_test.cpp</a>, is
    7687                        provided to verify correct operation.</p>
    7788                <p>A page on <a href="compatibility.htm">compatibility</a> with older versions of
  • libs/smart_ptr/test/Jamfile.v2

    diff --git a/libs/smart_ptr/test/Jamfile.v2 b/libs/smart_ptr/test/Jamfile.v2
    index 66d8007..16ce659 100644
    a b import testing ;  
    6969          [ run get_deleter_array_test.cpp ]
    7070          [ run ip_hash_test.cpp ]
    7171          [ run owner_less_test.cpp ]
     72          [ run null_deleter_test.cpp ]
    7273        ;
  • new file libs/smart_ptr/test/null_deleter_test.cpp

    diff --git a/libs/smart_ptr/test/null_deleter_test.cpp b/libs/smart_ptr/test/null_deleter_test.cpp
    new file mode 100644
    index 0000000..2fc8060
    - +  
     1#include <boost/config.hpp>
     4//  null_deleter_test.cpp
     6//  Copyright (c) 2012 Carsten Neumann
     8// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
     9// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
     10// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
     13#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
     15#include <boost/smart_ptr/null_deleter.hpp>
     16#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
     17#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
     19int ctor_count = 0;
     20int dtor_count = 0;
     22class A
     25    A(void)
     26    {
     27        ++ctor_count;
     28    }
     30    ~A(void)
     31    {
     32        ++dtor_count;
     33    }
     35    int dummy;
     38int main(int, char* argv[])
     40    {
     41        // reset counts
     42        ctor_count = 0;
     43        dtor_count = 0;
     45        A a0;
     47        {
     48            boost::shared_ptr<A> sp(&a0, boost::null_deleter());
     49            BOOST_TEST(sp.use_count() == 1);
     50            BOOST_TEST(ctor_count == 1);
     51            BOOST_TEST(dtor_count == 0);
     52        }
     54        BOOST_TEST(ctor_count == 1);
     55        BOOST_TEST(dtor_count == 0);
     56    }
     58    BOOST_TEST(ctor_count == 1);
     59    BOOST_TEST(dtor_count == 1);
     61    {
     62        // reset counts
     63        ctor_count = 0;
     64        dtor_count = 0;
     66        A a0;
     67        boost::shared_ptr<A> sp0(&a0, boost::null_deleter());
     68        boost::shared_ptr<A> sp1(sp0);
     70        BOOST_TEST(sp0.use_count() == 2);
     71        BOOST_TEST(ctor_count == 1);
     72        BOOST_TEST(dtor_count == 0);
     74        sp0.reset();
     75        BOOST_TEST(ctor_count == 1);
     76        BOOST_TEST(dtor_count == 0);
     78        sp1.reset();
     79        BOOST_TEST(ctor_count == 1);
     80        BOOST_TEST(dtor_count == 0);
     81    }
     83    BOOST_TEST(ctor_count == 1);
     84    BOOST_TEST(dtor_count == 1);
     86    return boost::report_errors();