Ticket #2202: silence_mpi.patch

File silence_mpi.patch, 1.5 KB (added by zeekec@…, 14 years ago)
  • boost/mpi/packed_iarchive.hpp

    101101  // Load it directly using the primnivites
    102102  template<class T>
    103   void load_override(T& x, int version, mpl::true_)
     103  void load_override(T& x, int /*version*/, mpl::true_)
    104104  {
    105105    iprimitive::load(x);
    106106  }
  • boost/mpi/packed_oarchive.hpp

    9191  // Save it directly using the primnivites
    9292  template<class T>
    93   void save_override(T const& x, int version, mpl::true_)
     93  void save_override(T const& x, int /*version*/, mpl::true_)
    9494  {
    9595    oprimitive::save(x);
    9696  }
  • boost/mpi/collectives/all_reduce.hpp

    2727  template<typename T, typename Op>
    2828  void
    2929  all_reduce_impl(const communicator& comm, const T* in_values, int n,
    30                   T* out_values, Op op, mpl::true_ /*is_mpi_op*/,
     30                  T* out_values, Op /*op*/, mpl::true_ /*is_mpi_op*/,
    3131                  mpl::true_ /*is_mpi_datatype*/)
    3232  {
    3333    BOOST_MPI_CHECK_RESULT(MPI_Allreduce,