Ticket #2511: mini_xml.patch

File mini_xml.patch, 1.7 KB (added by Charles Brockman <cmbrockman@…>, 14 years ago)
  • libs/spirit/doc/qi_and_karma/mini_xml.qbk

    1616departments, corporations. Then we'll have an AST representation of it all.
    1818In this example (actually two examples), we'll now explore parsers how to create
    19 ASTs. We will parse a minimalistic XML like language and compile the results
     19ASTs. We will parse a minimalistic XML-like language and compile the results
    2020into our data structures in the form of a tree.
    2222Along the way, we'll see new features:
    6262    node = (xml | text)                 [_val = _1];
    64 We'll see what a `mini_xml_node` structure later. Looking at the rule
    65 definition, we see some alternation goiing on here. An xml `node` is
     64We'll see a `mini_xml_node` structure later. Looking at the rule
     65definition, we see some alternation going on here. An xml `node` is
    6666either an `xml` OR `text`. Hmmm... hold on to that thought...
    6868    rule<Iterator, std::string(), space_type> start_tag;
    8585    !p
    87 It will try the parser, `p`. If it is successful, fail, otherwise, pass. In
     87It will try the parser, `p`. If it is successful, fail; otherwise, pass. In
    8888other words, it negates the result of `p`. Like the `eps`, it does not consume
    8989any input though. It will always rewind the iterator position to where it
    9090was upon entry. So, the expression:
    232232  local variable.
    234234There are no actions involved in stuffing data into our `xml` attribute. It's
    235 all taken cared of thatnks to the auto-rule.
     235all taken care of thanks to the auto-rule.