Ticket #3034: boost-03.patch

File boost-03.patch, 1.7 KB (added by gerickson@…, 13 years ago)

Patch for Boost::Parameter -Wshadow and -Wunused Errors

  • boost/parameter/aux_/arg_list.hpp

    a b  
    211211    // Create a new list by prepending arg to a copy of tail.  Used
    212212    // when incrementally building this structure with the comma
    213213    // operator.
    214     arg_list(TaggedArg arg, Next const& tail)
     214    arg_list(TaggedArg in_arg, Next const& tail)
    215215      : Next(tail)
    216       , arg(arg)
     216      , arg(in_arg)
    217217    {}
    219219    // A metafunction class that, given a keyword and a default
  • boost/parameter/aux_/maybe.hpp

    a b  
    3333        BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME remove_reference<reference>::type
    3434    >::type non_cv_value;
    36     explicit maybe(T value)
    37       : value(value)
     36    explicit maybe(T in_value)
     37      : value(in_value)
    3838      , constructed(false)
    3939    {}
    4848            this->destroy();
    4949    }
    51     reference construct(reference value) const
     51    reference construct(reference in_value) const
    5252    {
    53         return value;
     53        return in_value;
    5454    }
    5656    template <class U>
    57     reference construct2(U const& value) const
     57    reference construct2(U const& in_value) const
    5858    {
    59         new (m_storage.bytes) non_cv_value(value);
     59        new (m_storage.bytes) non_cv_value(in_value);
    6060        constructed = true;
    6161        return *(non_cv_value*)m_storage.bytes;
    6262    }
    6464    template <class U>
    65     reference construct(U const& value) const
     65    reference construct(U const& in_value) const
    6666    {
    67         return this->construct2(value);
     67        return this->construct2(in_value);
    6868    }
    7070    void destroy()