Ticket #5010: fusion_nil_.diff

File fusion_nil_.diff, 31.6 KB (added by Jürgen Hunold, 11 years ago)

Patch replacing nil with nil_

  • boost/accumulators/framework/depends_on.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/accumulators/framework/depends_on.hpp b/boost/accumulators/framework/depends_on.hpp
    index 76087b0..2c2a27b 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace accumulators  
    186186        template<typename First, typename Last>
    187187        struct build_acc_list<First, Last, true>
    188188        {
    189             typedef fusion::nil type;
     189            typedef fusion::nil_ type;
    191191            template<typename Args>
    192             static fusion::nil
     192            static fusion::nil_
    193193            call(Args const &, First const&, Last const&)
    194194            {
    195                 return fusion::nil();
     195                return fusion::nil_();
    196196            }
    197197        };
  • boost/fusion/container/generation/cons_tie.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/generation/cons_tie.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/generation/cons_tie.hpp
    index 4459e0c..e42b420 100644
    a b  
    1212namespace boost { namespace fusion
    14     struct nil;
     14    struct nil_;
    1616    namespace result_of
    1717    {
    18         template <typename Car, typename Cdr = nil>
     18        template <typename Car, typename Cdr = nil_>
    1919        struct cons_tie
    2020        {
    2121            typedef cons<Car&, Cdr> type;
  • boost/fusion/container/generation/make_cons.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/generation/make_cons.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/generation/make_cons.hpp
    index dcb606d..b11394b 100644
    a b  
    1414namespace boost { namespace fusion
    16     struct nil;
     16    struct nil_;
    1818    namespace result_of
    1919    {
    20         template <typename Car, typename Cdr = nil>
     20        template <typename Car, typename Cdr = nil_>
    2121        struct make_cons
    2222        {
    2323            typedef cons<typename detail::as_fusion_element<Car>::type, Cdr> type;
  • boost/fusion/container/list/cons.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/cons.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/cons.hpp
    index e434d5c..51f10d9 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace fusion  
    3434    struct forward_traversal_tag;
    3535    struct fusion_sequence_tag;
    37     struct nil : sequence_base<nil>
     37    struct nil_ : sequence_base<nil_>
    3838    {
    3939        typedef mpl::int_<0> size;
    4040        typedef cons_tag fusion_tag;
    namespace boost { namespace fusion  
    4444        typedef void_ car_type;
    4545        typedef void_ cdr_type;
    47         nil() {}
     47        nil_() {}
    4949        template <typename Iterator>
    50         nil(Iterator const& /*iter*/, mpl::true_ /*this_is_an_iterator*/)
     50        nil_(Iterator const& /*iter*/, mpl::true_ /*this_is_an_iterator*/)
    5151        {}
    5353        template <typename Iterator>
    namespace boost { namespace fusion  
    5656        }
    5757    };
    59     template <typename Car, typename Cdr /*= nil*/>
     59    template <typename Car, typename Cdr /*= nil_*/>
    6060    struct cons : sequence_base<cons<Car, Cdr> >
    6161    {
    6262        typedef mpl::int_<Cdr::size::value+1> size;
  • boost/fusion/container/list/cons_fwd.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/cons_fwd.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/cons_fwd.hpp
    index 80bb044..684f02e 100644
    a b  
    1111namespace boost { namespace fusion
    13     struct nil;
     13    struct nil_;
    15     template <typename Car, typename Cdr = nil>
     15    template <typename Car, typename Cdr = nil_>
    1616    struct cons;
  • boost/fusion/container/list/cons_iterator.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/cons_iterator.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/cons_iterator.hpp
    index bc4fa09..834651d 100644
    a b  
    1919namespace boost { namespace fusion
    21     struct nil;
     21    struct nil_;
    2222    struct cons_iterator_tag;
    2323    struct forward_traversal_tag;
    2525    template <typename Cons>
    2626    struct cons_iterator_identity;
    28     template <typename Cons = nil>
     28    template <typename Cons = nil_>
    2929    struct cons_iterator : iterator_base<cons_iterator<Cons> >
    3030    {
    3131        typedef cons_iterator_tag fusion_tag;
    namespace boost { namespace fusion  
    4949    {
    5050        typedef forward_traversal_tag category;
    5151        typedef cons_iterator_tag fusion_tag;
    52         typedef nil cons_type;
     52        typedef nil_ cons_type;
    5353        typedef cons_iterator_identity<
    54             add_const<nil>::type>
     54            add_const<nil_>::type>
    5555        identity;
    5656        nil_iterator() {}
    57         explicit nil_iterator(nil const&) {}
     57        explicit nil_iterator(nil_ const&) {}
    5858    };
    6060    template <>
    61     struct cons_iterator<nil> : nil_iterator
     61    struct cons_iterator<nil_> : nil_iterator
    6262    {
    6363        cons_iterator() {}
    64         explicit cons_iterator(nil const&) {}
     64        explicit cons_iterator(nil_ const&) {}
    6565    };
    6767    template <>
    68     struct cons_iterator<nil const> : nil_iterator
     68    struct cons_iterator<nil_ const> : nil_iterator
    6969    {
    7070        cons_iterator() {}
    71         explicit cons_iterator(nil const&) {}
     71        explicit cons_iterator(nil_ const&) {}
    7272    };
    7474    template <>
    7575    struct cons_iterator<list<> > : nil_iterator
    7676    {
    7777        cons_iterator() {}
    78         explicit cons_iterator(nil const&) {}
     78        explicit cons_iterator(nil_ const&) {}
    7979    };
    8181    template <>
    8282    struct cons_iterator<list<> const> : nil_iterator
    8383    {
    8484        cons_iterator() {}
    85         explicit cons_iterator(nil const&) {}
     85        explicit cons_iterator(nil_ const&) {}
    8686    };
  • boost/fusion/container/list/detail/begin_impl.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/begin_impl.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/begin_impl.hpp
    index 571e681..27a7342 100644
    a b  
    1414namespace boost { namespace fusion
    16     struct nil;
     16    struct nil_;
    1818    struct cons_tag;
  • boost/fusion/container/list/detail/build_cons.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/build_cons.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/build_cons.hpp
    index ef48652..725b286 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace fusion { namespace detail  
    2424    template <typename First, typename Last>
    2525    struct build_cons<First, Last, true>
    2626    {
    27         typedef nil type;
     27        typedef nil_ type;
    29         static nil
     29        static nil_
    3030        call(First const&, Last const&)
    3131        {
    32             return nil();
     32            return nil_();
    3333        }
    3434    };
  • boost/fusion/container/list/detail/empty_impl.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/empty_impl.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/empty_impl.hpp
    index 5c92c73..2392dd7 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace fusion  
    1414    struct cons_tag;
    16     struct nil;
     16    struct nil_;
    1818    template <typename Car, typename Cdr>
    1919    struct cons;
    namespace boost { namespace fusion  
    2828        {
    2929            template <typename Sequence>
    3030            struct apply
    31                 : boost::is_convertible<Sequence, nil>
     31                : boost::is_convertible<Sequence, nil_>
    3232            {};
    3333        };
    3434    }
  • boost/fusion/container/list/detail/end_impl.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/end_impl.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/end_impl.hpp
    index 3792250..a2eafba 100644
    a b  
    1414namespace boost { namespace fusion
    16     struct nil;
     16    struct nil_;
    1818    struct cons_tag;
    namespace boost { namespace fusion  
    3535            struct apply
    3636            {
    3737                typedef cons_iterator<
    38                     typename mpl::if_<is_const<Sequence>, nil const, nil>::type>
     38                    typename mpl::if_<is_const<Sequence>, nil_ const, nil_>::type>
    3939                type;
    4141                static type
  • boost/fusion/container/list/detail/list_to_cons.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/list_to_cons.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/list_to_cons.hpp
    index 4a7dbb8..07c11af 100644
    a b  
    1919namespace boost { namespace fusion
    21     struct nil;
     21    struct nil_;
    2222    struct void_;
    namespace boost { namespace fusion { namespace detail  
    6161    template <>
    6262    struct list_to_cons<BOOST_PP_ENUM(FUSION_MAX_LIST_SIZE, FUSION_VOID, _)>
    6363    {
    64         typedef nil type;
     64        typedef nil_ type;
    6565    };
  • boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list10.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list10.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list10.hpp
    index e233b46..d02ba87 100644
    a b  
    99namespace boost { namespace fusion
    11     struct nil;
     11    struct nil_;
    1212    struct void_;
    1313    template <typename T0 , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 , typename T8 , typename T9>
    1414    struct list
  • boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list20.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list20.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list20.hpp
    index 405681a..730d1c0 100644
    a b  
    99namespace boost { namespace fusion
    11     struct nil;
     11    struct nil_;
    1212    struct void_;
    1313    template <typename T0 , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 , typename T8 , typename T9 , typename T10 , typename T11 , typename T12 , typename T13 , typename T14 , typename T15 , typename T16 , typename T17 , typename T18 , typename T19>
    1414    struct list
  • boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list30.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list30.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list30.hpp
    index 841295e..6e6a143 100644
    a b  
    99namespace boost { namespace fusion
    11     struct nil;
     11    struct nil_;
    1212    struct void_;
    1313    template <typename T0 , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 , typename T8 , typename T9 , typename T10 , typename T11 , typename T12 , typename T13 , typename T14 , typename T15 , typename T16 , typename T17 , typename T18 , typename T19 , typename T20 , typename T21 , typename T22 , typename T23 , typename T24 , typename T25 , typename T26 , typename T27 , typename T28 , typename T29>
    1414    struct list
  • boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list40.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list40.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list40.hpp
    index c486f6b..e4f3b38 100644
    a b  
    99namespace boost { namespace fusion
    11     struct nil;
     11    struct nil_;
    1212    struct void_;
    1313    template <typename T0 , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 , typename T8 , typename T9 , typename T10 , typename T11 , typename T12 , typename T13 , typename T14 , typename T15 , typename T16 , typename T17 , typename T18 , typename T19 , typename T20 , typename T21 , typename T22 , typename T23 , typename T24 , typename T25 , typename T26 , typename T27 , typename T28 , typename T29 , typename T30 , typename T31 , typename T32 , typename T33 , typename T34 , typename T35 , typename T36 , typename T37 , typename T38 , typename T39>
    1414    struct list
  • boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list50.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list50.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list50.hpp
    index 2126409..fc5231f 100644
    a b  
    99namespace boost { namespace fusion
    11     struct nil;
     11    struct nil_;
    1212    struct void_;
    1313    template <typename T0 , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 , typename T5 , typename T6 , typename T7 , typename T8 , typename T9 , typename T10 , typename T11 , typename T12 , typename T13 , typename T14 , typename T15 , typename T16 , typename T17 , typename T18 , typename T19 , typename T20 , typename T21 , typename T22 , typename T23 , typename T24 , typename T25 , typename T26 , typename T27 , typename T28 , typename T29 , typename T30 , typename T31 , typename T32 , typename T33 , typename T34 , typename T35 , typename T36 , typename T37 , typename T38 , typename T39 , typename T40 , typename T41 , typename T42 , typename T43 , typename T44 , typename T45 , typename T46 , typename T47 , typename T48 , typename T49>
    1414    struct list
  • boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list_to_cons10.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list_to_cons10.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list_to_cons10.hpp
    index a0f01f5..9b9377c 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace fusion { namespace detail  
    8181    template <>
    8282    struct list_to_cons<void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_>
    8383    {
    84         typedef nil type;
     84        typedef nil_ type;
    8585    };
  • boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list_to_cons20.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list_to_cons20.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list_to_cons20.hpp
    index b90b7a7..b142e26 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace fusion { namespace detail  
    141141    template <>
    142142    struct list_to_cons<void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_>
    143143    {
    144         typedef nil type;
     144        typedef nil_ type;
    145145    };
  • boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list_to_cons30.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list_to_cons30.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list_to_cons30.hpp
    index 8b8a046..814b7a4 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace fusion { namespace detail  
    201201    template <>
    202202    struct list_to_cons<void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_>
    203203    {
    204         typedef nil type;
     204        typedef nil_ type;
    205205    };
  • boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list_to_cons40.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list_to_cons40.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list_to_cons40.hpp
    index a435c02..6929148 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace fusion { namespace detail  
    261261    template <>
    262262    struct list_to_cons<void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_>
    263263    {
    264         typedef nil type;
     264        typedef nil_ type;
    265265    };
  • boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list_to_cons50.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list_to_cons50.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/preprocessed/list_to_cons50.hpp
    index 7837e9c..1dbef68 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace fusion { namespace detail  
    321321    template <>
    322322    struct list_to_cons<void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_ , void_>
    323323    {
    324         typedef nil type;
     324        typedef nil_ type;
    325325    };
  • boost/fusion/container/list/detail/reverse_cons.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/reverse_cons.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/detail/reverse_cons.hpp
    index 59178e8..5083e0c 100644
    a b  
    1212namespace boost { namespace fusion { namespace detail
    1414    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    15     template<typename Cons, typename State = nil>
     15    template<typename Cons, typename State = nil_>
    1616    struct reverse_cons;
    1818    template<typename Car, typename Cdr, typename State>
    namespace boost { namespace fusion { namespace detail  
    2929    };
    3131    template<typename State>
    32     struct reverse_cons<nil, State>
     32    struct reverse_cons<nil_, State>
    3333    {
    3434        typedef State type;
    36         static State const &call(nil const &, State const &state = State())
     36        static State const &call(nil_ const &, State const &state = State())
    3737        {
    3838            return state;
    3939        }
  • boost/fusion/container/list/list.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/container/list/list.hpp b/boost/fusion/container/list/list.hpp
    index 45e2f63..1d90205 100644
    a b  
    3333namespace boost { namespace fusion
    35     struct nil;
     35    struct nil_;
    3636    struct void_;
    3838    template <BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(FUSION_MAX_LIST_SIZE, typename T)>
  • boost/fusion/iterator/detail/segmented_equal_to.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/iterator/detail/segmented_equal_to.hpp b/boost/fusion/iterator/detail/segmented_equal_to.hpp
    index 1e4ad26..14982b8 100644
    a b  
    1414namespace boost { namespace fusion
    16     struct nil;
     16    struct nil_;
    1818    namespace detail
    1919    {
    namespace boost { namespace fusion  
    3232        {};
    3434        template <>
    35         struct segmented_equal_to<fusion::nil, fusion::nil>
     35        struct segmented_equal_to<fusion::nil_, fusion::nil_>
    3636          : mpl::true_
    3737        {};
    3838    }
  • boost/fusion/iterator/detail/segmented_iterator.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/iterator/detail/segmented_iterator.hpp b/boost/fusion/iterator/detail/segmented_iterator.hpp
    index ccd45fb..a5cfb45 100644
    a b  
    2020namespace boost { namespace fusion
    22     struct nil;
     22    struct nil_;
    2424    namespace detail
    2525    {
  • boost/fusion/iterator/detail/segmented_next_impl.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/iterator/detail/segmented_next_impl.hpp b/boost/fusion/iterator/detail/segmented_next_impl.hpp
    index 2a7f6f6..0c5f9f5 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace fusion  
    8383        //auto segmented_next_impl_recurse3(stack)
    8484        //{
    8585        //  if (size(stack) == 1)
    86         //    return cons(iterator_range(end(car(stack)), end(car(stack))), nil);
     86        //    return cons(iterator_range(end(car(stack)), end(car(stack))), nil_);
    8787        //  else
    8888        //    return segmented_next_impl_recurse(stack.cdr);
    8989        //}
  • boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/detail/segmented_begin.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/detail/segmented_begin.hpp b/boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/detail/segmented_begin.hpp
    index 968718e..7f337ce 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace fusion { namespace detail  
    2020    //auto segmented_begin( seq )
    2121    //{
    22     //    return make_segmented_iterator( segmented_begin_impl( seq, nil ) );
     22    //    return make_segmented_iterator( segmented_begin_impl( seq, nil_ ) );
    2323    //}
    25     template <typename Sequence, typename Nil = fusion::nil>
     25    template <typename Sequence, typename Nil = fusion::nil_>
    2626    struct segmented_begin
    2727    {
    2828        typedef
  • boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/detail/segmented_end.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/detail/segmented_end.hpp b/boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/detail/segmented_end.hpp
    index 469862a..f62c97a 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace fusion { namespace detail  
    1818    //    return make_segmented_iterator( segmented_end_impl( seq ) );
    1919    //}
    21     template <typename Sequence, typename Nil = fusion::nil>
     21    template <typename Sequence, typename Nil = fusion::nil_>
    2222    struct segmented_end
    2323    {
    2424        typedef
  • boost/fusion/support/segmented_fold_until.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/support/segmented_fold_until.hpp b/boost/fusion/support/segmented_fold_until.hpp
    index 6ea58ac..724e2a4 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace fusion  
    2121    //auto segmented_fold_until(seq, state, fun)
    2222    //{
    23     //  return first(segmented_fold_until_impl(seq, state, nil, fun));
     23    //  return first(segmented_fold_until_impl(seq, state, nil_, fun));
    2424    //}
    2626    namespace result_of
    namespace boost { namespace fusion  
    3232                detail::segmented_fold_until_impl<
    3333                    Sequence
    3434                  , State
    35                   , fusion::nil
     35                  , fusion::nil_
    3636                  , Fun
    3737                >
    3838            filter;
    namespace boost { namespace fusion  
    5555            typename result_of::segmented_fold_until<Sequence, State, Fun>::filter
    5656        filter;
    58         return filter::call(seq, state, fusion::nil(), fun);
     58        return filter::call(seq, state, fusion::nil_(), fun);
    5959    }
    6161    template <typename Sequence, typename State, typename Fun>
    namespace boost { namespace fusion  
    6666            typename result_of::segmented_fold_until<Sequence const, State, Fun>::filter
    6767        filter;
    69         return filter::call(seq, state, fusion::nil(), fun);
     69        return filter::call(seq, state, fusion::nil_(), fun);
    7070    }
  • boost/fusion/view/iterator_range/detail/segmented_iterator_range.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/fusion/view/iterator_range/detail/segmented_iterator_range.hpp b/boost/fusion/view/iterator_range/detail/segmented_iterator_range.hpp
    index e5f5ed0..f711755 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace fusion { namespace detail  
    5353    //  switch (size(stack_begin))
    5454    //  {
    5555    //  case 1:
    56     //    return nil;
     56    //    return nil_;
    5757    //  case 2:
    5858    //    // car(cdr(stack_begin)) is a range over values.
    5959    //    assert(end(front(car(stack_begin))) == end(car(cdr(stack_begin))));
    namespace boost { namespace fusion { namespace detail  
    188188    template <typename Stack>
    189189    struct make_segment_sequence_front<Stack, 1>
    190190    {
    191         typedef typename Stack::cdr_type type; // nil
     191        typedef typename Stack::cdr_type type; // nil_
    193193        static type call(Stack const &stack)
    194194        {
    namespace boost { namespace fusion { namespace detail  
    201201    //  switch (size(stack_end))
    202202    //  {
    203203    //  case 1:
    204     //    return nil;
     204    //    return nil_;
    205205    //  case 2:
    206206    //    // car(cdr(stack_back)) is a range over values.
    207207    //    assert(end(front(car(stack_end))) == end(car(cdr(stack_end))));
    namespace boost { namespace fusion { namespace detail  
    331331    template <typename Stack>
    332332    struct make_segment_sequence_back<Stack, 1>
    333333    {
    334         typedef typename Stack::cdr_type type; // nil
     334        typedef typename Stack::cdr_type type; // nil_
    336336        static type call(Stack const& stack)
    337337        {
  • boost/msm/back/state_machine.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/msm/back/state_machine.hpp b/boost/msm/back/state_machine.hpp
    index 7881685..f853817 100644
    a b private:  
    15641564     void set_states(Expr const& expr)
    15651565     {
    15661566         ::boost::fusion::for_each(
    1567              ::boost::fusion::as_vector(FoldToList()(expr, boost::fusion::nil())),update_state(this->m_substate_list));
     1567             ::boost::fusion::as_vector(FoldToList()(expr, boost::fusion::nil_())),update_state(this->m_substate_list));
    15681568     }
    15701570     // Construct with the default initial states
  • boost/spirit/home/support/context.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/spirit/home/support/context.hpp b/boost/spirit/home/support/context.hpp
    index b728b4f..bbf08b0 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace spirit  
    9898        typedef Locals locals_type;
    100100        context(typename Attributes::car_type attribute)
    101           : attributes(attribute, fusion::nil()), locals() {}
     101          : attributes(attribute, fusion::nil_()), locals() {}
    103103        template <typename Args, typename Context>
    104104        context(
  • boost/spirit/home/support/detail/make_cons.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/spirit/home/support/detail/make_cons.hpp b/boost/spirit/home/support/detail/make_cons.hpp
    index cbbb73b..e031dc6 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace detail  
    4343    namespace result_of
    4444    {
    45         template <typename Car, typename Cdr = fusion::nil>
     45        template <typename Car, typename Cdr = fusion::nil_>
    4646        struct make_cons
    4747        {
    4848            typedef typename as_meta_element<Car>::type car_type;
  • boost/spirit/home/support/make_component.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/spirit/home/support/make_component.hpp b/boost/spirit/home/support/make_component.hpp
    index 04a7437..91a1d4d 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace detail  
    258258            typedef typename
    259259                proto::reverse_fold_tree<
    260260                    proto::_
    261                   , proto::make<fusion::nil>
     261                  , proto::make<fusion::nil_>
    262262                  , make_binary_helper<Grammar>
    263263                >::template impl<Expr, State, Data>
    264264            reverse_fold_tree;
  • boost/xpressive/detail/static/grammar.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/xpressive/detail/static/grammar.hpp b/boost/xpressive/detail/static/grammar.hpp
    index 82d1adc..745088f 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace xpressive  
    200200                    bitwise_or<Gram, Gram>
    201201                  , in_sequence<
    202202                        as_alternate_matcher<
    203                             reverse_fold_tree<_, make<fusion::nil>, in_alternate_list<Gram> >
     203                            reverse_fold_tree<_, make<fusion::nil_>, in_alternate_list<Gram> >
    204204                        >
    205205                    >
    206206                >
  • boost/xpressive/detail/static/transforms/as_alternate.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/xpressive/detail/static/transforms/as_alternate.hpp b/boost/xpressive/detail/static/transforms/as_alternate.hpp
    index 521bb86..cfdec31 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace xpressive  
    4444        };
    4646        template<typename Head>
    47         struct alternates_list<Head, fusion::nil>
    48           : fusion::cons<Head, fusion::nil>
     47        struct alternates_list<Head, fusion::nil_>
     48          : fusion::cons<Head, fusion::nil_>
    4949        {
    5050            BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(std::size_t, width = Head::width);
    5151            BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, pure = Head::pure);
    53             alternates_list(Head const &head, fusion::nil const &tail)
    54               : fusion::cons<Head, fusion::nil>(head, tail)
     53            alternates_list(Head const &head, fusion::nil_ const &tail)
     54              : fusion::cons<Head, fusion::nil_>(head, tail)
    5555            {
    5656            }
    5757        };
  • libs/function_types/example/interpreter.hpp

    diff --git a/libs/function_types/example/interpreter.hpp b/libs/function_types/example/interpreter.hpp
    index 72cd78b..fe35eb9 100644
    a b namespace example  
    158158  {
    159159    // instantiate and store the invoker by name
    160160    this->map_invokers[name] = boost::bind(
    161         & invoker<Function>::template apply<fusion::nil>, f,_1,fusion::nil() );
     161        & invoker<Function>::template apply<fusion::nil_>, f,_1,fusion::nil_() );
    162162  }
  • libs/fusion/test/sequence/construction.hpp

    diff --git a/libs/fusion/test/sequence/construction.hpp b/libs/fusion/test/sequence/construction.hpp
    index 380a9ee..d028869 100644
    a b test()  
    5353    using namespace boost::fusion;
    5454    using namespace test_detail;
    56     nil empty;
     56    nil_ empty;
    5858    FUSION_SEQUENCE<> empty0;
  • libs/fusion/test/sequence/tree.hpp

    diff --git a/libs/fusion/test/sequence/tree.hpp b/libs/fusion/test/sequence/tree.hpp
    index a345a8f..59dcb81 100644
    a b namespace boost { namespace fusion  
    2727   struct tree_tag;
    29    template <typename Data, typename Left = nil, typename Right = nil>
     29   template <typename Data, typename Left = nil_, typename Right = nil_>
    3030   struct tree
    3131     : sequence_base<tree<Data, Left, Right> >
    3232   {
  • libs/proto/test/examples.cpp

    diff --git a/libs/proto/test/examples.cpp b/libs/proto/test/examples.cpp
    index 692f882..b47bf75 100644
    a b struct ArgsAsList  
    188188            proto::_pop_front(_)
    189189          /*<< `nil` is the initial state used by the `reverse_fold<>`
    190190          transform. >>*/
    191           , fusion::nil()
     191          , fusion::nil_()
    192192          /*<< Put the rest of the function arguments in a fusion cons
    193193          list. >>*/
    194194          , fusion::cons<proto::_value, proto::_state>(proto::_value, proto::_state)
    struct ArgsAsList  
    201201// This transform matches expressions of the form (_1=1,'a',"b")
    202202// (note the use of the comma operator) and transforms it into a
    203203// Fusion cons list of their arguments. In this case, the result
    204 // would be cons(1, cons('a', cons("b", nil()))).
     204// would be cons(1, cons('a', cons("b", nil_()))).
    205205struct FoldTreeToList
    206206  : proto::or_<
    207207        // This grammar describes what counts as the terminals in expressions
    struct FoldTreeToList  
    218218          /*<< Fold all terminals that are separated by commas into a Fusion cons list. >>*/
    219219          , proto::reverse_fold_tree<
    220220                _
    221               , fusion::nil()
     221              , fusion::nil_()
    222222              , fusion::cons<FoldTreeToList, proto::_state>(FoldTreeToList, proto::_state)
    223223            >
    224224        >
    void test_examples()  
    446446    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(2, CalcArity()( (_2 - _1) / _2 * 100, i, i));
    448448    using boost::fusion::cons;
    449     using boost::fusion::nil;
     449    using boost::fusion::nil_;
    450450    cons<int, cons<char, cons<std::string> > > args(ArgsAsList()( _1(1, 'a', std::string("b")), i, i ));
    451451    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(args.car, 1);
    452452    BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(args.cdr.car, 'a');