Ticket #5239: python-tutorial.patch

File python-tutorial.patch, 3.0 KB (added by Daniel James, 12 years ago)
  • libs/python/doc/tutorial/doc/tutorial.qbk

    7777Now the first thing you'd want to do is to build the Hello World module and
    7878try it for yourself in Python. In this section, we will outline the steps
    7979necessary to achieve that. We will use the build tool that comes bundled
    80 with every boost distribution: [*bjam].
     80with every boost distribution: [*Boost.Build].
    82 [note [*Building without bjam]
     82[note [*Building without Boost.Build]
    84 Besides bjam, there are of course other ways to get your module built.
     84Besides Boost.Build, there are of course other ways to get your module built.
    8585What's written here should not be taken as "the one and only way".
    86 There are of course other build tools apart from [^bjam].
     86There are of course other build tools apart from Boost.Build.
    88 Take note however that the preferred build tool for Boost.Python is bjam.
     88Take note however that the preferred build tool for Boost.Python is Boost.Build.
    8989There are so many ways to set up the build incorrectly. Experience shows
    9090that 90% of the "I can't build Boost.Python" problems come from people
    9191who had to use a different tool.
    9494We will skip over the details. Our objective will be to simply create
    9595the hello world module and run it in Python. For a complete reference to
    9696building Boost.Python, check out: [@../../../building.html
    97 building.html]. After this brief ['bjam] tutorial, we should have built
     97building.html]. After this brief ['Boost.Build] tutorial, we should have built
    9898the DLLs and run a python program using the extension.
    100100The tutorial example can be found in the directory:
    105105* Jamroot
    107107The [^hello.cpp] file is our C++ hello world example. The [^Jamroot] is
    108 a minimalist ['bjam] script that builds the DLLs for us. Finally,
     108a minimalist ['Boost.Build] script that builds the DLLs for us. Finally,
    109109[^hello.py] is our Python program that uses the extension in
    112 Before anything else, you should have the bjam executable in your boost
     112Before anything else, you should have Boost.Build's [^bjam] executable in your boost
    113113directory or somewhere in your path such that [^bjam] can be executed in
    114 the command line. Pre-built Boost.Jam executables are available for most
    115 platforms. The complete list of Bjam executables can be found
    116 [@http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7586 here].
     114the command line. If you haven't, please follow Boost.Build's
     115[@boost:doc/html/bbv2/installation.html installation instructions].
    118117[h2 Let's Jam!]
    125124The comments contained in the Jamrules file above should be sufficient
    126125to get you going.
    128 [h2 Running bjam]
     127[h2 Running Boost.Build]
    130 ['bjam] is run using your operating system's command line interpreter.
     129Boost.Build is run using your operating system's command line interpreter.
    132131[:Start it up.]