Ticket #5281: rapidxml.patch

File rapidxml.patch, 1.1 KB (added by bolero.murakami+cpp@…, 12 years ago)
  • boost/property_tree/detail/rapidxml.hpp

    1616#include <cstdlib>      // For std::size_t
    1717#include <new>          // For placement new
     19#include <boost/config.hpp>         // For BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME
     20#include <boost/mpl/identity.hpp>
    1922// On MSVC, disable "conditional expression is constant" warning (level 4).
    2023// This warning is almost impossible to avoid with certain types of templated code
    2124#ifdef _MSC_VER
    369372    public:
    371374        //! \cond internal
    372         typedef void *(alloc_func)(std::size_t);       // Type of user-defined function used to allocate memory
     375        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME mpl::identity<void *>::type (alloc_func)(std::size_t);
     376                                                       // Type of user-defined function used to allocate memory
    373377        typedef void (free_func)(void *);              // Type of user-defined function used to free memory
    374378        //! \endcond