Ticket #5872: roman.qbk.2.patch

File roman.qbk.2.patch, 705 bytes (added by anonymous, 11 years ago)
  • libs/spirit/doc/qi/roman.qbk

    148148* `eps` is a special spirit parser that consumes no input but is always
    149149  successful. We use it to initialize `_val`, the rule's synthesized
    150150  attribute, to zero before anything else. The actual parser starts at
    151   `+char_('M')`, parsing roman thousands. Using `eps` this way is good
     151  `+lit('M')`, parsing roman thousands. Using `eps` this way is good
    152152  for doing pre and post initializations.
    154154* The expression `a || b` reads: match a or b and in sequence. That is, if both