Ticket #6050: spirit-transform-attribute-post-bool.diff

File spirit-transform-attribute-post-bool.diff, 7.5 KB (added by oakad@…, 11 years ago)

Patch to make attribute_transform::post return bool

  • home/qi/auxiliary/attr_cast.hpp

    diff -ur spirit.orig/home/qi/auxiliary/attr_cast.hpp spirit/home/qi/auxiliary/attr_cast.hpp
    old new  
    9393            typename transform::type attr_ = transform::pre(attr);
    95             if (!compile<qi::domain>(subject).
     95            if (compile<qi::domain>(subject).
    9696                    parse(first, last, context, skipper, attr_))
    9797            {
    98                 transform::fail(attr);
    99                 return false;
     98                // do up-stream transformation, this mainly integrates the results
     99                // back into the original attribute value, if appropriate
     100                if (traits::post_transform(attr, attr_))
     101                    return true;
    100102            }
    102             // do up-stream transformation, this mainly integrates the results
    103             // back into the original attribute value, if appropriate
    104             traits::post_transform(attr, attr_);
    105             return true;
     104            transform::fail(attr);
     105            return false;
    106106        }
    108108        template <typename Context>
  • home/qi/detail/attributes.hpp

    diff -ur spirit.orig/home/qi/detail/attributes.hpp spirit/home/qi/detail/attributes.hpp
    old new  
    2323        static Transformed pre(Exposed&) { return Transformed(); }
    25         static void post(Exposed& val, Transformed const& attr)
     25        static bool post(Exposed& val, Transformed const& attr)
    2626        {
    2727            traits::assign_to(attr, val);
     28            return true;
    2829        }
    3031        // fail() will be called by Qi rule's if the rhs failed parsing
    3738    {
    3839        typedef Attribute& type;
    3940        static Attribute& pre(Attribute& val) { return val; }
    40         static void post(Attribute&, Attribute const&) {}
     41        static bool post(Attribute&, Attribute const&) { return true; }
    4142        static void fail(Attribute&) {}
    4243    };
    4748        typedef Transformed type;
    4950        static Transformed pre(Exposed& val) { return Transformed(val); }
    50         static void post(Exposed&, Transformed const&) { /* no-op */ }
     51        static bool post(Exposed&, Transformed const&) { return true; }
    5253        // fail() will be called by Qi rule's if the rhs failed parsing
    5354        static void fail(Exposed&) {}
    5960    {
    6061        typedef Attribute& type;
    6162        static Attribute& pre(Attribute& val) { return val; }
    62         static void post(Attribute&, Attribute const&) {}
     63        static bool post(Attribute&, Attribute const&) { return true; }
    6364        static void fail(Attribute&) {}
    6465    };
    8788                val = Transformed();
    8889            return boost::get<Transformed>(val);
    8990        }
    90         static void post(boost::optional<Exposed>&, Transformed const&) {}
     91        static bool post(boost::optional<Exposed>&, Transformed const&) { return true; }
    9192        static void fail(boost::optional<Exposed>& val)
    9293        {
    9394             val = none_t();    // leave optional uninitialized if rhs failed
    100101    {
    101102        typedef Attribute& type;
    102103        static Attribute& pre(Attribute& val) { return val; }
    103         static void post(Attribute&, Attribute const&) {}
     104        static bool post(Attribute&, Attribute const&) { return true; }
    104105        static void fail(Attribute&) {}
    105106    };
    110111    {
    111112        typedef unused_type type;
    112113        static unused_type pre(unused_type) { return unused; }
    113         static void post(unused_type, unused_type) {}
     114        static bool post(unused_type, unused_type) { return true; }
    114115        static void fail(unused_type) {}
    115116    };
    161162    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    162163    template <typename Exposed, typename Transformed>
    163     void post_transform(Exposed& dest, Transformed const& attr)
     164    bool post_transform(Exposed& dest, Transformed const& attr)
    164165    {
    165166        return transform_attribute<Exposed, Transformed, qi::domain>::post(dest, attr);
    166167    }
  • home/qi/nonterminal/rule.hpp

    diff -ur spirit.orig/home/qi/nonterminal/rule.hpp spirit/home/qi/nonterminal/rule.hpp
    old new  
    293293                {
    294294                    // do up-stream transformation, this integrates the results
    295295                    // back into the original attribute value, if appropriate
    296                     traits::post_transform(attr, attr_);
    297                     return true;
     296                    if (traits::post_transform(attr, attr_))
     297                        return true;
    298298                }
    300300                // inform attribute transformation of failed rhs
    339339                {
    340340                    // do up-stream transformation, this integrates the results
    341341                    // back into the original attribute value, if appropriate
    342                     traits::post_transform(attr, attr_);
    343                     return true;
     342                    if (traits::post_transform(attr, attr_))
     343                        return true;
    344344                }
    346346                // inform attribute transformation of failed rhs
  • home/support/adapt_adt_attributes.hpp

    diff -ur spirit.orig/home/support/adapt_adt_attributes.hpp spirit/home/support/adapt_adt_attributes.hpp
    old new  
    257257        {
    258258            return val;
    259259        }
    260         static void
     260        static bool
    261261        post(
    262262            fusion::extension::adt_attribute_proxy<T, N, false>& val
    263263          , Attribute const& attr)
    264264        {
    265265            val = attr;
     266            return true;
    266267        }
    267268        static void
    268269        fail(fusion::extension::adt_attribute_proxy<T, N, false>&)
    289290        {
    290291            return val;
    291292        }
    292         static void
     293        static bool
    293294        post(
    294295            fusion::extension::adt_attribute_proxy<T, N, Const>&
    295296          , Attribute const&)
    296297        {
     298            return true;
    297299        }
    298300        static void
    299301        fail(fusion::extension::adt_attribute_proxy<T, N, Const>&)
  • repository/home/qi/nonterminal/subrule.hpp

    diff -ur spirit.orig/repository/home/qi/nonterminal/subrule.hpp spirit/repository/home/qi/nonterminal/subrule.hpp
    old new  
    217217            {
    218218                // do up-stream transformation, this integrates the results
    219219                // back into the original attribute value, if appropriate
    220                 traits::post_transform(attr, attr_);
    221                 return true;
     220                if (traits::post_transform(attr, attr_))
     221                    return true;
    222222            }
    224224            // inform attribute transformation of failed rhs
    271271            {
    272272                // do up-stream transformation, this integrates the results
    273273                // back into the original attribute value, if appropriate
    274                 traits::post_transform(attr, attr_);
    275                 return true;
     274                if (traits::post_transform(attr, attr_))
     275                    return true;
    276276            }
    278278            // inform attribute transformation of failed rhs