Ticket #6126: boost_spirit_home_karma_numeric_int_diagnostic.patch

File boost_spirit_home_karma_numeric_int_diagnostic.patch, 2.9 KB (added by t0rt1e@…, 11 years ago)

Diagnostic patch to be able to better debug insert_int

  • boost/spirit/home/karma/numeric/int.hpp

    207207        template <typename OutputIterator, typename Attribute>
    208208        static bool insert_int(OutputIterator& sink, Attribute const& attr)
    209209        {
    210             return sign_inserter::call(sink, traits::test_zero(attr)
    211                       , traits::test_negative(attr), force_sign) &&
    212                    int_inserter<Radix, CharEncoding, Tag>::call(sink
     210          // I have serialized the calls to better follow with the debugger what's going on.
     211          bool is_zero = traits::test_zero(attr);
     212          bool is_neg = traits::test_negative(attr);
     213          // Until here everything seems OK, *attr still has its value.
     214          // I can use, e.g., the attribute in a function call.
     215          Attribute attr_copy = dummy_function(attr);
     216//          bool r1 = sign_inserter::call(sink, is_zero
     217//                      , is_neg, force_sign);
     218          // After the sign_inserter call, *attr becomes surprisingly zero.
     219          // Therefore, I inlined the important code parts to output the sign.
     220          if (is_neg) {
     221            *sink = '-';
     222            // After putting the character into the sink, the *attr becomes zero.
     223            // Why??? This happens consistently unimportant whether it's
     224            // compiled using g++ or clang++ on Linux or Mac OS X. Is the sink
     225            // not correctly constructed and leaks memory?
     226            ++sink;
     227          } else if (force_sign) {
     228            if (is_zero) {
     229              *sink = ' ';             
     230            } else {
     231              *sink = '+';           
     232            }
     233            ++sink;
     234          }
     235          bool r1 = true;
     236          bool r2 = int_inserter<Radix, CharEncoding, Tag>::call(sink
    213237                      , traits::get_absolute_value(attr));
     238          return r1 && r2;
     239//            return sign_inserter::call(sink, traits::test_zero(attr)
     240//                      , traits::test_negative(attr), force_sign) &&
     241//                   int_inserter<Radix, CharEncoding, Tag>::call(sink
     242//                      , traits::get_absolute_value(attr));
    214243        }
     245      // Dummy function for pure diagnostic reasons. It just returns a copy of the attribute.
     246      template<typename Attribute>
     247      static Attribute dummy_function(Attribute const& attr) {
     248        return attr;
     249      };
    216251    public:
    217252        template <typename Context, typename Unused>
    218253        struct attribute
    237272        {
    238273            if (!traits::has_optional_value(attr))
    239274                return false;       // fail if it's an uninitialized optional
    241275            return insert_int(sink, traits::extract_from<T>(attr, context)) &&
    242276                   delimit_out(sink, d);      // always do post-delimiting
    243277        }