Ticket #6615: boost.container.diff

File boost.container.diff, 957 bytes (added by i.nixman@…, 11 years ago)
  • libs/container/doc/container.qbk

    3737  (they can be safely placed in shared memory).
    3838* The library offers new useful containers:
    3939  * [classref boost::container::flat_map flat_map],
    40     [classref boost::container::flat_map flat_set],
    41     [classref boost::container::flat_map flat_multiset] and
    42     [classref boost::container::flat_map flat_multiset]: drop-in
     40    [classref boost::container::flat_set flat_set],
     41    [classref boost::container::flat_multimap flat_multimap] and
     42    [classref boost::container::flat_multiset flat_multiset]: drop-in
    4343    replacements for standard associative containers but more memory friendly and with faster
    4444    searches.
    4545  * [classref boost::container::stable_vector stable_vector]: a std::list and std::vector hybrid