Ticket #6624: ticket6624.patch

File ticket6624.patch, 5.2 KB (added by dtrebbien@…, 11 years ago)


  • boost/test/impl/test_tools.ipp

    Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
    svn:mime-type = test/plain
    261261        break;
    262262    }
     264    case CHECK_NE_COLL: {
     265        char const* left_begin_descr    = va_arg( args, char const* );
     266        char const* left_end_descr      = va_arg( args, char const* );
     267        char const* right_begin_descr   = va_arg( args, char const* );
     268        char const* right_end_descr     = va_arg( args, char const* );
     270        os << prefix << "{ " << left_begin_descr  << ", " << left_end_descr  << " } != { "
     271                             << right_begin_descr << ", " << right_end_descr << " }"
     272           << suffix;
     274        if( !pr.has_empty_message() )
     275            os << ". " << pr.message();
     276        break;
     277    }
    264279    case CHECK_BITWISE_EQUAL: {
    265280        char const* left_descr    = va_arg( args, char const* );
    266281        char const* right_descr   = va_arg( args, char const* );
  • boost/test/test_tools.hpp

     287#define BOOST_WARN_NE_COLLECTIONS( L_begin, L_end, R_begin, R_end )                  \
     288    BOOST_TEST_TOOL_IMPL( 1, ::boost::test_tools::tt_detail::ne_coll_impl(),         \
     289        "", WARN, CHECK_NE_COLL, (L_begin)(L_end)(R_begin)(R_end), BOOST_PP_EMPTY() )  \
     291#define BOOST_CHECK_NE_COLLECTIONS( L_begin, L_end, R_begin, R_end )                 \
     292    BOOST_TEST_TOOL_IMPL( 1, ::boost::test_tools::tt_detail::ne_coll_impl(),         \
     293        "", CHECK, CHECK_NE_COLL, (L_begin)(L_end)(R_begin)(R_end), BOOST_PP_EMPTY() ) \
     295#define BOOST_REQUIRE_NE_COLLECTIONS( L_begin, L_end, R_begin, R_end )               \
     296    BOOST_TEST_TOOL_IMPL( 1, ::boost::test_tools::tt_detail::ne_coll_impl(),         \
     297        "", REQUIRE, CHECK_NE_COLL, (L_begin)(L_end)(R_begin)(R_end), BOOST_PP_EMPTY() )\
    287302#define BOOST_WARN_BITWISE_EQUAL( L, R )    BOOST_TEST_TOOL_IMPL( 1, \
    288303    ::boost::test_tools::tt_detail::bitwise_equal_impl(), "", WARN, CHECK_BITWISE_EQUAL, (L)(R), BOOST_PP_EMPTY() )
  • libs/test/doc/src/utf.testing-tools.xml

    688688    <para role="first-line-indented">
    689689     These tools are used to perform an element by element comparison of two collections. They print all mismatched
    690690     positions, collection elements at these positions and check that the collections have the same size. The first two
    691      parameters designate begin and end of the first collection. The two parameters designate begin and end of the
     691     parameters designate begin and end of the first collection. The last two parameters designate begin and end of the
    692692     second collection.
    693693    </para>
    697697    </btl-example>
    699699    <seealso>
     700     <ref>BOOST_&lt;level&gt;_NE_COLLECTIONS</ref>
    700701     <ref>BOOST_&lt;level&gt;_EQUAL</ref>
    701702    </seealso>
    702703   </refentry>
     705   <refentry name="BOOST_&lt;level&gt;_NE_COLLECTIONS">
     706    <inline-synopsis>
     707     <macro name="BOOST_WARN_NE_COLLECTIONS" kind="functionlike" ref-id="utf.testing-tools.reference">
     708       <macro-parameter name="left_begin"/>
     709       <macro-parameter name="left_end"/>
     710       <macro-parameter name="right_begin"/>
     711       <macro-parameter name="right_end"/>
     712     </macro>
     713     <macro name="BOOST_CHECK_NE_COLLECTIONS" kind="functionlike" ref-id="utf.testing-tools.reference">
     714       <macro-parameter name="left_begin"/>
     715       <macro-parameter name="left_end"/>
     716       <macro-parameter name="right_begin"/>
     717       <macro-parameter name="right_end"/>
     718     </macro>
     719     <macro name="BOOST_REQUIRE_NE_COLLECTIONS" kind="functionlike" ref-id="utf.testing-tools.reference">
     720       <macro-parameter name="left_begin"/>
     721       <macro-parameter name="left_end"/>
     722       <macro-parameter name="right_begin"/>
     723       <macro-parameter name="right_end"/>
     724     </macro>
     725    </inline-synopsis>
     727    <para role="first-line-indented">
     728     These tools are used to perform a comparison of two collections to check that they are not equal. The first two
     729     parameters designate begin and end of the first collection. The last two parameters designate begin and end of the
     730     second collection.
     731    </para>
     733    <seealso>
     734     <ref>BOOST_&lt;level&gt;_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS</ref>
     735     <ref>BOOST_&lt;level&gt;_NE</ref>
     736    </seealso>
     737   </refentry>
    704739   <refentry name="BOOST_&lt;level&gt;_EXCEPTION">
    705740    <inline-synopsis>
    706741     <macro name="BOOST_WARN_EXCEPTION" kind="functionlike" ref-id="utf.testing-tools.reference">