Ticket #6686: xcode_43.diff

File xcode_43.diff, 1.4 KB (added by arne.schmitz@…, 11 years ago)

build fix for xcode 4.3

  • tools/build/v2/tools/darwin.jam

    a b  
    7171#   <root>PATH
    7272#       Platform root path. The common autodetection will set this to
    73 #       "/Developer". And when a command is given it will be set to
     73#       "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer". And when a command is given it will be set to
    7474#       the corresponding "*.platform/Developer" directory.
    7676rule init ( version ? : command * : options * : requirement * )
    104104        bin ?= [ common.get-absolute-tool-path $(command[1]) ] ;
    105105        if $(bin) = "/usr/bin"
    106106        {
    107             root ?= /Developer ;
     107            root ?= /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer ;
    108108        }
    109109        else
    110110        {
    312312# Determine the MacOSX SDK versions installed and their locations.
    313313local rule init-available-sdk-versions ( condition * : root ? )
    315     root ?= /Developer ;
    316     local sdks-root = $(root)/SDKs ;
    317     local sdks = [ GLOB $(sdks-root) : MacOSX*.sdk iPhoneOS*.sdk iPhoneSimulator*.sdk ] ;
     315    root ?= /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer ;
     316    local platforms = [ GLOB /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms : *.platform ] ;
     317    local sdks = ;
     318    for local platform in $(platforms)
     319    {
     320        sdks += [ GLOB $(platform)/Developer/SDKs : *.sdk ] ;
     321    }
    318322    local result ;
    319323    for local sdk in $(sdks)
    320324    {