Ticket #7122: container-doc.patch

File container-doc.patch, 1.4 KB (added by Daniel James, 10 years ago)
  • boost/container/allocator_traits.hpp

    213213   static void deallocate(Alloc &a, pointer p, size_type n)
    214214   {  return a.deallocate(p, n);  }
    216    //! <b>Effects</b>: calls `a.construct(p, std::forward<Args>(args)...)` if that call is well-formed;
    217    //! otherwise, invokes `::new (static_cast<void*>(p)) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...)`
     216   //! <b>Effects</b>: calls `a.allocate(n, p)` if that call is well-formed;
     217   //! otherwise, invokes `a.allocate(n)`
    218218   static pointer allocate(Alloc &a, size_type n, const_void_pointer p)
    219219   {
    220220      const bool value = boost::container::container_detail::
  • libs/container/doc/container.qbk

    439439[section:scoped_allocator Scoped allocators]
    441441C++11 improves stateful allocators with the introduction of
    442 [@http://http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/scoped_allocator_adaptor `std::scoped_allocator_adaptor`]
     442[@http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/scoped_allocator_adaptor `std::scoped_allocator_adaptor`]
    443443class template. `scoped_allocator_adaptor` is instantiated with one outer allocator and zero or more inner