Ticket #7429: graph-warnings.diff

File graph-warnings.diff, 8.4 KB (added by Franz Detro <franz.detro@…>, 10 years ago)
  • boost/graph/compressed_sparse_row_graph.hpp

    From 7e8af8bbf91329f9d1ff9b33391dec352e099bc0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
    From: Franz Detro <franz.detro@native-instruments.de>
    Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2012 14:53:12 +0200
    Subject: [PATCH] fix warnings in boost graph
     boost/graph/compressed_sparse_row_graph.hpp |  2 +-
     boost/graph/detail/indexed_properties.hpp   |  4 ++--
     boost/graph/detail/set_adaptor.hpp          |  2 +-
     boost/graph/named_function_params.hpp       | 10 +++++-----
     boost/graph/named_graph.hpp                 |  2 +-
     boost/graph/reverse_graph.hpp               |  8 ++++----
     boost/graph/visitors.hpp                    |  4 ++--
     7 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
    diff --git a/boost/graph/compressed_sparse_row_graph.hpp b/boost/graph/compressed_sparse_row_graph.hpp
    index 59e8bb4..42e2419 100644
    a b namespace detail {  
    136136    typedef boost::iterator_facade<default_construct_iterator<T>, T, std::random_access_iterator_tag, const T&> base_type;
    137137    T saved_value;
    138138    const T& dereference() const {return saved_value;}
    139     bool equal(default_construct_iterator i) const {return true;}
     139    bool equal(default_construct_iterator /*i*/) const {return true;}
    140140    void increment() {}
    141141    void decrement() {}
    142142    void advance(typename base_type::difference_type) {}
  • boost/graph/detail/indexed_properties.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/graph/detail/indexed_properties.hpp b/boost/graph/detail/indexed_properties.hpp
    index e1f874b..4494625 100644
    a b class indexed_edge_properties<Derived, void, Descriptor, IndexMap>  
    253253  typedef secret const_edge_map_type;
    255255  secret operator[](secret) { return secret(); }
    256   void write_by_index(std::size_t idx, const no_property& prop) {}
     256  void write_by_index(std::size_t /*idx*/, const no_property& /*prop*/) {}
    258258  edge_map_type get_edge_bundle(const IndexMap& = IndexMap()) const {
    259259    return edge_map_type();
    class indexed_edge_properties<Derived, void, Descriptor, IndexMap>  
    271271 public:
    272272  void push_back(const edge_push_back_type&) { }
    273   void move_range(std::size_t src_begin, std::size_t src_end, std::size_t dest_begin) {}
     273  void move_range(std::size_t /*src_begin*/, std::size_t /*src_end*/, std::size_t /*dest_begin*/) {}
    275275  typedef dummy_no_property_iterator iterator;
    276276  iterator begin() {return dummy_no_property_iterator();}
  • boost/graph/detail/set_adaptor.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/graph/detail/set_adaptor.hpp b/boost/graph/detail/set_adaptor.hpp
    index 90a64a2..33acc07 100644
    a b namespace boost {  
    111111    // Shit, can't implement this without knowing the size of the
    112112    // universe.
    113113    template <class K, class C, class A>
    114     void set_compliment(const std::set<K,C,A>& x,
     114    void set_compliment(const std::set<K,C,A>& /*x*/,
    115115                        std::set<K,C,A>& z)
    116116    {
    117117      z.clear();
  • boost/graph/named_function_params.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/graph/named_function_params.hpp b/boost/graph/named_function_params.hpp
    index 32dd580..94314a6 100644
    432432    template <typename ArgType, typename Prop, typename Graph, bool Exists>
    433433    struct override_property_t {
    434434      typedef ArgType result_type;
    435       result_type operator()(const Graph& g, const typename boost::add_reference<ArgType>::type a) const {return a;}
     435      result_type operator()(const Graph&, const typename boost::add_reference<ArgType>::type a) const {return a;}
    436436    };
    438438    template <typename ArgType, typename Prop, typename Graph>
    439439    struct override_property_t<ArgType, Prop, Graph, false> {
    440440      typedef typename boost::property_map<Graph, Prop>::type result_type;
    441       result_type operator()(const Graph& g, const ArgType& a) const {return get(Prop(), g);}
     441      result_type operator()(const Graph& g, const ArgType&) const {return get(Prop(), g);}
    442442    };
    444444    template <typename ArgPack, typename Tag, typename Prop, typename Graph>
    456456    template <typename ArgPack, typename Tag, typename Prop, typename Graph>
    457457    typename override_property_result<ArgPack, Tag, Prop, Graph>::type
    458     override_property(const ArgPack& ap, const boost::parameter::keyword<Tag>& t, const Graph& g, Prop prop) {
     458    override_property(const ArgPack& ap, const boost::parameter::keyword<Tag>& t, const Graph& g, Prop) {
    459459    return override_property_t<
    460460             typename boost::parameter::value_type<ArgPack, Tag, int>::type,
    461461             Prop,
    633633      typedef Q priority_queue_type;
    635635      static priority_queue_type
    636       make_queue(const Graph& g, const ArgPack& ap, KeyT defaultKey, const Q& q) {
     636      make_queue(const Graph&, const ArgPack&, KeyT, const Q& q) {
    637637        return q;
    638638      }
    639639    };
    645645      typedef boost::d_ary_heap_indirect<ValueT, 4, index_in_heap_map, typename map_maker<Graph, ArgPack, KeyMapTag, KeyT>::helper::map_type, Compare> priority_queue_type;
    647647      static priority_queue_type
    648       make_queue(const Graph& g, const ArgPack& ap, KeyT defaultKey, const Q& q) {
     648      make_queue(const Graph& g, const ArgPack& ap, KeyT defaultKey, const Q&) {
    649649        return priority_queue_type(
    650650            map_maker<Graph, ArgPack, KeyMapTag, KeyT>::make_map(g, ap, defaultKey),
    651651            map_maker<Graph, ArgPack, IndexInHeapMapTag, default_index_in_heap_type>::make_map(g, ap, typename boost::property_traits<index_in_heap_map>::value_type(-1))
  • boost/graph/named_graph.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/graph/named_graph.hpp b/boost/graph/named_graph.hpp
    index f49c097..77e1a22 100644
    a b public:  
    105105  typedef vertex_name_type argument_type;
    106106  typedef VertexProperty result_type;
    108   VertexProperty operator()(const vertex_name_type& name)
     108  VertexProperty operator()(const vertex_name_type&)
    109109  {
    110110      boost::throw_exception(std::runtime_error("add_vertex: "
    111111                                                "unable to create a vertex from its name"));
  • boost/graph/reverse_graph.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/graph/reverse_graph.hpp b/boost/graph/reverse_graph.hpp
    index 96fc32d..bea975a 100644
    a b template <class G>  
    460460typename enable_if<is_reverse_graph<G>,
    461461  detail::underlying_edge_desc_map_type<typename graph_traits<typename G::base_type>::edge_descriptor> >::type
    463     G& g)
     463    G&)
    465465  return detail::underlying_edge_desc_map_type<typename graph_traits<typename G::base_type>::edge_descriptor>();
    468468template <class G>
    469469typename enable_if<is_reverse_graph<G>, typename graph_traits<typename G::base_type>::edge_descriptor>::type
    471     G& g,
     471    G&,
    472472    const typename graph_traits<G>::edge_descriptor& k)
    474474  return k.underlying_descx;
    477477template <class G>
    478478typename enable_if<is_reverse_graph<G>, detail::underlying_edge_desc_map_type<typename graph_traits<typename G::base_type>::edge_descriptor> >::type
    480     const G& g)
     480    const G&)
    482482  return detail::underlying_edge_desc_map_type<typename graph_traits<typename G::base_type>::edge_descriptor>();
    485485template <class G>
    486486typename enable_if<is_reverse_graph<G>, typename graph_traits<typename G::base_type>::edge_descriptor>::type
    488     const G& g,
     488    const G&,
    489489    const typename graph_traits<G>::edge_descriptor& k)
    491491  return k.underlying_descx;
  • boost/graph/visitors.hpp

    diff --git a/boost/graph/visitors.hpp b/boost/graph/visitors.hpp
    index f986c96..d10e140 100644
    a b namespace boost {  
    269269    {}
    271271    template <typename VertexOrEdge, typename Graph>
    272     void operator() (VertexOrEdge v, const Graph& g)
     272    void operator() (VertexOrEdge v, const Graph&)
    273273    {
    274274      put (property_map_, v, value_);
    275275    }
    namespace boost {  
    292292    inline property_put <PropertyMap, EventTag>
    293293    put_property (PropertyMap property_map,
    294294                  typename property_traits <PropertyMap>::value_type value,
    295                   EventTag tag)
     295                  EventTag)
    296296    {
    297297      return property_put <PropertyMap, EventTag> (property_map, value);
    298298    }