Ticket #7458: serialization.patch

File serialization.patch, 3.7 KB (added by akim demaille <akim.demaille@…>, 10 years ago)
  • libs/serialization/doc/extended_type_info.html

    311311<dt><h4><code style="white-space: normal"><pre>
    312 virtual void * destroy(void const * const ptr ) ) const;
     312virtual void * destroy(void const * const ptr ) const;
    315315Destroy an instance of this type. This calls the
  • libs/serialization/doc/implementation.html

    226226    <li>The serialization library depends on the templated stream
    227227    implementation to function properly.
    228     to function properly.  So STLPort must be used to build the library.
     228    So STLPort must be used to build the library.
    229229    <li>Polymorphic archive tests fail.
    230230    <li>XML serialization only works with version 1.6x of spirit. In order to build
    231231    and use this library with this compiler, one must use version 1.6x rather than the
  • libs/serialization/doc/singleton.html

    137137In order to be used as
    138138<a target="singleton.hpp" href = "../../../boost/serialization/singleton.hpp">
    139139<code style="white-space: normal">
    140 singleton&lt;T&gt;
    141 </code>
    142 </a>
    143 , the type T must be default constructable.
     140singleton&lt;T&gt;</code></a>, the type T must be default constructable.
    144141It doesn't require static variables - though it may have them.
    145142Since the library guarentees that only one instance of
    146143<a target="singleton.hpp" href = "../../../boost/serialization/singleton.hpp">
    147144<code style="white-space: normal">
    148 singleton&lt;T&gt;
    149 </code>
    150 </a>
    151146and all accesss is through the above static interface
    152147functions, common member functions of T become
    153148the functional equivalent of
    162157which contains the following code:
    165 typedef std::set<const extended_type_info *, key_compare> ktmap;
     160typedef std::set&lt;const extended_type_info *, key_compare&gt; ktmap;
    168163extended_type_info::key_register(const char *key) {
    169164    ...
    170     result = singleton<ktmap>::get_mutable_instance().insert(this);
     165    result = singleton&lt;ktmap&gt;::get_mutable_instance().insert(this);
    171166    ...
    180175A second way is to use
    181176<a target="singleton.hpp" href = "../../../boost/serialization/singleton.hpp">
    182177<code style="white-space: normal">
    183 singleton&lt;T&gt;
    184 </code>
    185 </a>
    186179as one of the base classes of the type.  This is illustrated by a simplified
    187180excerpt from
    188181<a target="extended_type_info_typeid.hpp" href = "../../../boost/serialization/extended_type_info_typeid.hpp">
  • libs/serialization/doc/tutorial.html

    327327classes to be serialized. This is referred to as "registration" or "export"
    328328of derived classes.  This requirement and the methods of
    329329satisfying it are explained in detail
    330 <a href="serialization.html#derivedpointers">here</a>
     330<a href="serialization.html#derivedpointers">here</a>.
    332332All this is accomplished automatically by the serialization
    333333library.  The above code is all that is necessary to accomplish