Ticket #7511: fix_comment_typo.patch

File fix_comment_typo.patch, 706 bytes (added by oss.2012.team+B2@…, 10 years ago)

Patch for boost/graph/is_kuratowski_subgraph.hpp

  • boost/graph/is_kuratowski_subgraph.hpp

    176176            while (neighbors[v].size() > 0 && neighbors[v].size() < max_size)
    177177              {
    178                 // Find one of v's neighbors u such that that v and u
     178                // Find one of v's neighbors u such that v and u
    179179                // have no neighbors in common. We'll look for such a
    180180                // neighbor with a naive cubic-time algorithm since the
    181181                // max size of any of the neighbor sets we'll consider