Ticket #7512: gdb.log

File gdb.log, 18.2 KB (added by manphiz@…, 10 years ago)
1GNU gdb 6.3.50-20050815 (Apple version gdb-1822) (Sun Aug 5 03:00:42 UTC 2012)
2Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
3GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
4welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
5Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
6There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details.
7This GDB was configured as "x86_64-apple-darwin"...Reading symbols for shared libraries .... done
9[?1034h(gdb) r
10Starting program: /Users/dxy/Documents/Projects/test/a.out
11Reading symbols for shared libraries +++............................. done
13Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
14Reason: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at address: 0x0000000000000000
150x00000001003fe911 in boost::unit_test::framework::get ()
16(gdb) bt fa ull
17#0 0x00000001003fe911 in boost::unit_test::framework::get ()
18No symbol table info available.
19#1 0x000000010040a100 in boost::unit_test::results_collector_t::assertion_result ()
20No symbol table info available.
21#2 0x0000000100007c13 in boost::unit_test::framework::assertion_result (passed=true) at framework.ipp:470
22 to = ('boost::unit_test::test_observer' *) 0x100110488
23 _fe_con_469 = false
24 _fe_cur_469 = (static_any_t) @0x7fff5fbfd448: {<No data fields>}
25 _fe_end_469 = (static_any_t) @0x7fff5fbfd420: {<No data fields>}
26#3 0x000000010000c079 in boost::test_tools::tt_detail::check_impl (pr=@0x7fff5fbfe4c0, check_descr=@0x7fff5fbfe4a0, file_name={m_begin = 0x1000bc9c5 "boost_test_segfault.cc", m_end = 0x1000bc9db ""}, line_num=7, tl=boost::test_tools::tt_detail::PASS, ct=boost::test_tools::tt_detail::CHECK_PRED, num_of_args=0) at test_tools.ipp:357
27 ll = boost::unit_test::log_successful_tests
28 prefix = 0x1000bbd01 "check "
29 suffix = 0x1000bbd08 " passed"
30#4 0x000000010001d2d9 in test1::test_method (this=0x7fff5fbfe518) at boost_test_segfault.cc:7
31No locals.
32#5 0x000000010001d1b1 in test1_invoker () at boost_test_segfault.cc:5
33 t = {
34 <boost::unit_test::ut_detail::nil_t> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}
35#6 0x0000000100038016 in boost::unit_test::ut_detail::invoker<boost::unit_test::ut_detail::unused>::invoke<void (*)()> (this=0x7fff5fbfe578, f=@0x100603e08) at callback.hpp:56
36No locals.
37#7 0x0000000100037feb in boost::unit_test::ut_detail::callback0_impl_t<boost::unit_test::ut_detail::unused, void (*)()>::invoke (this=0x100603e00) at callback.hpp:89
38No locals.
39#8 0x000000010002f916 in boost::unit_test::callback0<boost::unit_test::ut_detail::unused>::operator() (this=0x100604208) at callback.hpp:118
40No locals.
41#9 0x000000010002aad8 in boost::unit_test::(anonymous namespace)::zero_return_wrapper_t<boost::unit_test::callback0<boost::unit_test::ut_detail::unused> >::operator() (this=0x100605e38) at unit_test_monitor.ipp:41
42No locals.
43#10 0x000000010002aab9 in boost::unit_test::ut_detail::invoker<int>::invoke<boost::unit_test::(anonymous namespace)::zero_return_wrapper_t<boost::unit_test::callback0<boost::unit_test::ut_detail::unused> > > (this=0x7fff5fbfe620, f=@0x100605e38) at callback.hpp:42
44No locals.
45#11 0x000000010002aa8b in boost::unit_test::ut_detail::callback0_impl_t<int, boost::unit_test::(anonymous namespace)::zero_return_wrapper_t<boost::unit_test::callback0<boost::unit_test::ut_detail::unused> > >::invoke (this=0x100605e30) at callback.hpp:89
46No locals.
47#12 0x00000001000892c6 in boost::unit_test::callback0<int>::operator() (this=0x7fff5fbfebb8) at callback.hpp:118
48No locals.
49#13 0x000000010002fb57 in boost::detail::do_invoke<boost::scoped_ptr<boost::detail::translate_exception_base>, boost::unit_test::callback0<int> > (tr=@0x1001104a8, F=@0x7fff5fbfebb8) at execution_monitor.ipp:281
50No locals.
51#14 0x000000010000efbf in boost::execution_monitor::catch_signals (this=0x100110498, F=@0x7fff5fbfebb8) at execution_monitor.ipp:885
52 local_signal_handler = {
53 m_prev_handler = 0x0,
54 m_timeout = 0,
55 m_ILL_action = {
56 m_sig = 4,
57 m_installed = true,
58 m_new_action = {
59 __sigaction_u = {
60 __sa_handler = 0x10000e4f0 <execution_monitor_jumping_signal_handler>,
61 __sa_sigaction = 0x10000e4f0 <execution_monitor_jumping_signal_handler>
62 },
63 sa_mask = 0,
64 sa_flags = 65
65 },
66 m_old_action = {
67 __sigaction_u = {
68 __sa_handler = 0,
69 __sa_sigaction = 0
70 },
71 sa_mask = 1669365499,
72 sa_flags = 0
73 }
74 },
75 m_FPE_action = {
76 m_sig = 8,
77 m_installed = true,
78 m_new_action = {
79 __sigaction_u = {
80 __sa_handler = 0x10000e4f0 <execution_monitor_jumping_signal_handler>,
81 __sa_sigaction = 0x10000e4f0 <execution_monitor_jumping_signal_handler>
82 },
83 sa_mask = 0,
84 sa_flags = 67
85 },
86 m_old_action = {
87 __sigaction_u = {
88 __sa_handler = 0,
89 __sa_sigaction = 0
90 },
91 sa_mask = 0,
92 sa_flags = 2
93 }
94 },
95 m_SEGV_action = {
96 m_sig = 11,
97 m_installed = true,
98 m_new_action = {
99 __sigaction_u = {
100 __sa_handler = 0x10000e4f0 <execution_monitor_jumping_signal_handler>,
101 __sa_sigaction = 0x10000e4f0 <execution_monitor_jumping_signal_handler>
102 },
103 sa_mask = 0,
104 sa_flags = 65
105 },
106 m_old_action = {
107 __sigaction_u = {
108 __sa_handler = 0,
109 __sa_sigaction = 0
110 },
111 sa_mask = 1669365499,
112 sa_flags = 0
113 }
114 },
115 m_BUS_action = {
116 m_sig = 10,
117 m_installed = true,
118 m_new_action = {
119 __sigaction_u = {
120 __sa_handler = 0x10000e4f0 <execution_monitor_jumping_signal_handler>,
121 __sa_sigaction = 0x10000e4f0 <execution_monitor_jumping_signal_handler>
122 },
123 sa_mask = 0,
124 sa_flags = 65
125 },
126 m_old_action = {
127 __sigaction_u = {
128 __sa_handler = 0,
129 __sa_sigaction = 0
130 },
131 sa_mask = 1669365499,
132 sa_flags = 0
133 }
134 },
135 m_CHLD_action = {
136 m_sig = 20,
137 m_installed = true,
138 m_new_action = {
139 __sigaction_u = {
140 __sa_handler = 0x10000e4f0 <execution_monitor_jumping_signal_handler>,
141 __sa_sigaction = 0x10000e4f0 <execution_monitor_jumping_signal_handler>
142 },
143 sa_mask = 0,
144 sa_flags = 65
145 },
146 m_old_action = {
147 __sigaction_u = {
148 __sa_handler = 0,
149 __sa_sigaction = 0
150 },
151 sa_mask = 0,
152 sa_flags = 0
153 }
154 },
155 m_POLL_action = {
156 m_sig = 1100312,
157 m_installed = false,
158 m_new_action = {
159 __sigaction_u = {
160 __sa_handler = 0x7fff5fbfe838,
161 __sa_sigaction = 0x7fff5fbfe838
162 },
163 sa_mask = 1606412304,
164 sa_flags = 32767
165 },
166 m_old_action = {
167 __sigaction_u = {
168 __sa_handler = 0x10004350d <std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const> const, boost::runtime::environment::rt_env_detail::variable_data> >::_Rb_tree_iterator(std::_Rb_tree_node<std::pair<boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const> const, boost::runtime::environment::rt_env_detail::variable_data> >*)+29>,
169 __sa_sigaction = 0x10004350d <std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const> const, boost::runtime::environment::rt_env_detail::variable_data> >::_Rb_tree_iterator(std::_Rb_tree_node<std::pair<boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const> const, boost::runtime::environment::rt_env_detail::variable_data> >*)+29>
170 },
171 sa_mask = 1100312,
172 sa_flags = 1
173 }
174 },
175 m_ABRT_action = {
176 m_sig = 6,
177 m_installed = true,
178 m_new_action = {
179 __sigaction_u = {
180 __sa_handler = 0x10000e4f0 <execution_monitor_jumping_signal_handler>,
181 __sa_sigaction = 0x10000e4f0 <execution_monitor_jumping_signal_handler>
182 },
183 sa_mask = 0,
184 sa_flags = 65
185 },
186 m_old_action = {
187 __sigaction_u = {
188 __sa_handler = 0,
189 __sa_sigaction = 0
190 },
191 sa_mask = 1669365499,
192 sa_flags = 0
193 }
194 },
195 m_ALRM_action = {
196 m_sig = 14,
197 m_installed = false,
198 m_new_action = {
199 __sigaction_u = {
200 __sa_handler = 0x10010ca18 <boost::runtime::environment::rt_env_detail::s_registry()::instance+8>,
201 __sa_sigaction = 0x10010ca18 <boost::runtime::environment::rt_env_detail::s_registry()::instance+8>
202 },
203 sa_mask = 1606412448,
204 sa_flags = 32767
205 },
206 m_old_action = {
207 __sigaction_u = {
208 __sa_handler = 0x100044ad8 <std::_Rb_tree<boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const>, std::pair<boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const> const, boost::runtime::environment::rt_env_detail::variable_data>, std::_Select1st<std::pair<boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const> const, boost::runtime::environment::rt_env_detail::variable_data> >, std::less<boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const> >, std::allocator<std::pair<boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const> const, boost::runtime::environment::rt_env_detail::variable_data> > >::find(boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const> const&)+248>,
209 __sa_sigaction = 0x100044ad8 <std::_Rb_tree<boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const>, std::pair<boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const> const, boost::runtime::environment::rt_env_detail::variable_data>, std::_Select1st<std::pair<boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const> const, boost::runtime::environment::rt_env_detail::variable_data> >, std::less<boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const> >, std::allocator<std::pair<boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const> const, boost::runtime::environment::rt_env_detail::variable_data> > >::find(boost::unit_test::basic_cstring<char const> const&)+248>
210 },
211 sa_mask = 1606412584,
212 sa_flags = 32767
213 }
214 },
215 m_sigjmp_buf = {0, 0, 1606412560, 32767, 1606411920, 32767, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61324, 1, 5204480, 1, 8064, 895, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 24, 0, 310744, 0, 5193968, 1, 6291458, 1, 5204484, 1, 2, 32767},
216 m_sys_sig = {
217 m_sig_info = 0x0,
218 m_context = 0x0
219 },
220 static s_active_handler = 0x7fff5fbfe708
222#15 0x000000010000541a in boost::execution_monitor::execute (this=0x100110498, F=@0x7fff5fbfebb8) at execution_monitor.ipp:1211
223 ex = 0x10002ab5c "é"
224 ex = (string &) @0x100523000: {
225 _M_dataplus = {
226 <std::allocator<char>> = {
227 <__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
228 members of std::basic_string<char>::_Alloc_hider:
229 _M_p = 0x1004f3000 ""
230 },
231 static npos = 18446744073709551615
233 ex = (const 'std::bad_alloc' &) @0x100605e30: {
234 <std::exception> = {
235 _vptr$exception = 0x100111110
236 }, <No data fields>}
237 ex = (const 'std::bad_cast' &) @0x7fff5fbfebc0: {
238 <std::exception> = {
239 _vptr$exception = 0x100608050
240 }, <No data fields>}
241 ex = (const 'std::bad_typeid' &) @0x7fff5fbfebb8: {
242 <std::exception> = {
243 _vptr$exception = 0x100605e30
244 }, <No data fields>}
245 ex = (const 'std::bad_exception' &) @0x7fff5fbfeaa0: {
246 <std::exception> = {
247 _vptr$exception = 0x7fff5fbfeac0
248 }, <No data fields>}
249 ex = (const 'std::domain_error' &) @0x100605e30: {
250 <std::logic_error> = {
251 <std::exception> = {
252 _vptr$exception = 0x100111110
253 },
254 members of std::logic_error:
255 _M_msg = {
256 _M_dataplus = {
257 <std::allocator<char>> = {
258 <__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
259 members of std::basic_string<char>::_Alloc_hider:
260 _M_p = 0x100604208 ""
261 },
262 static npos = 18446744073709551615
263 }
264 }, <No data fields>}
265 ex = (const 'std::invalid_argument' &) @0x100605e30: {
266 <std::logic_error> = {
267 <std::exception> = {
268 _vptr$exception = 0x100111110
269 },
270 members of std::logic_error:
271 _M_msg = {
272 _M_dataplus = {
273 <std::allocator<char>> = {
274 <__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
275 members of std::basic_string<char>::_Alloc_hider:
276 _M_p = 0x100604208 ""
277 },
278 static npos = 18446744073709551615
279 }
280 }, <No data fields>}
281 ex = (const 'std::length_error' &) @0x7fff5fbfebb8: {
282 <std::logic_error> = {
283 <std::exception> = {
284 _vptr$exception = 0x100605e30
285 },
286 members of std::logic_error:
287 _M_msg = {
288 _M_dataplus = {
289 <std::allocator<char>> = {
290 <__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
291 members of std::basic_string<char>::_Alloc_hider:
292 _M_p = 0x100608050 "`\021\021"
293 },
294 static npos = 18446744073709551615
295 }
296 }, <No data fields>}
297 ex = (const 'std::out_of_range' &) @0x7fff5fbfeac0: {
298 <std::logic_error> = {
299 <std::exception> = {
300 _vptr$exception = 0x7fff5fbfeb10
301 },
302 members of std::logic_error:
303 _M_msg = {
304 _M_dataplus = {
305 <std::allocator<char>> = {
306 <__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
307 members of std::basic_string<char>::_Alloc_hider:
308 _M_p = 0x10002a915 "HƒÄ@]ÉÑH‰Eà‰MÜH‹}ÀèÍ\a"
309 },
310 static npos = 18446744073709551615
311 }
312 }, <No data fields>}
313 ex = (const 'std::range_error' &) @0x10002a95d: {
314 <std::runtime_error> = {
315 <std::exception> = {
316 _vptr$exception = 0x6666c35d10c48348
317 },
318 members of std::runtime_error:
319 _M_msg = {
320 _M_dataplus = {
321 <std::allocator<char>> = {
322 <__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
323 members of std::basic_string<char>::_Alloc_hider:
324 _M_p = 0x841f0f2e6666 <Address 0x841f0f2e6666 out of bounds>
325 },
326 static npos = 18446744073709551615
327 }
328 }, <No data fields>}
329 ex = (const 'std::overflow_error' &) @0x100605e30: {
330 <std::runtime_error> = {
331 <std::exception> = {
332 _vptr$exception = 0x100111110
333 },
334 members of std::runtime_error:
335 _M_msg = {
336 _M_dataplus = {
337 <std::allocator<char>> = {
338 <__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
339 members of std::basic_string<char>::_Alloc_hider:
340 _M_p = 0x100604208 ""
341 },
342 static npos = 18446744073709551615
343 }
344 }, <No data fields>}
345 ex = (const 'std::underflow_error' &) @0x7fff5fbfebb8: {
346 <std::runtime_error> = {
347 <std::exception> = {
348 _vptr$exception = 0x100605e30
349 },
350 members of std::runtime_error:
351 _M_msg = {
352 _M_dataplus = {
353 <std::allocator<char>> = {
354 <__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
355 members of std::basic_string<char>::_Alloc_hider:
356 _M_p = 0x100608050 "`\021\021"
357 },
358 static npos = 18446744073709551615
359 }
360 }, <No data fields>}
361 ex = (const 'std::logic_error' &) @0x7fff5fbfeb10: {
362 <std::exception> = {
363 _vptr$exception = 0x7fff5fbfeb30
364 },
365 members of std::logic_error:
366 _M_msg = {
367 _M_dataplus = {
368 <std::allocator<char>> = {
369 <__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
370 members of std::basic_string<char>::_Alloc_hider:
371 _M_p = 0x7fff5fbfebb8 "0^`"
372 },
373 static npos = 18446744073709551615
374 }
376 ex = ('std::runtime_error' &) @0x10002a915: {
377 <std::exception> = {
378 _vptr$exception = 0xd189c35d40c48348
379 },
380 members of std::runtime_error:
381 _M_msg = {
382 _M_dataplus = {
383 <std::allocator<char>> = {
384 <__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data fields>},
385 members of std::basic_string<char>::_Alloc_hider:
386 _M_p = 0x48dc4d89e0458948 <Address 0x48dc4d89e0458948 out of bounds>
387 },
388 static npos = 18446744073709551615
389 }
391 ex = ('std::exception' &) @0x100605e30: {
392 _vptr$exception = 0x100111110
394 ex = (const 'boost::exception' &) @0x100605e30: {
395 _vptr$exception = 0x100111110,
396 data_ = {
397 px_ = 0x100604208
398 },
399 throw_function_ = 0x10010ebf0 " ž\006",
400 throw_file_ = 0x1 <Address 0x1 out of bounds>,
401 throw_line_ = 6316056
403 ex = (const 'boost::system_error' &) @0x7fff5fbfebb8: {
404 p_errno = {
405 <boost::unit_test::class_property<long>> = {
406 value = 4301282864
407 }, <No data fields>},
408 p_failed_exp = {
409 <boost::unit_test::class_property<const char *>> = {
410 value = 0x100608050 "`\021\021"
411 }, <No data fields>}
413 ex = ('boost::detail::system_signal_exception' &) @0x7fff5fbfeb28: {
414 m_sig_info = 0x7fff5fbfebb8,
415 m_context = 0x7fff5fbfebf0
417#16 0x0000000100016f38 in boost::unit_test::unit_test_monitor_t::execute_and_translate (this=0x100110498, tc=@0x1006041b0) at unit_test_monitor.ipp:69
418 ex = (const 'boost::execution_exception' &) @0xe: #17 0x000000010009a401 in boost::unit_test::framework_impl::visit (this=0x100111f00, tc=@0x1006041b0) at framework.ipp:156
419 _fe_end_150 = (static_any_t) @0x7fff5fbfef40: {<No data fields>}
420 bkup = 4294967295
421 _fe_end_165 = (static_any_t) @0x10010ca18: {<No data fields>}
422 _fe_cur_150 = (static_any_t) @0x7fff5fbfef68: {<No data fields>}
423 tc_timer = {
424 _start_time = 17332
426 run_result = 32767
427 elapsed = 4301275744
428 _fe_cur_165 = (static_any_t) @0x7fff5fbfee40: {<No data fields>}
429#18 0x000000010001b54f in boost::unit_test::traverse_test_tree (tc=@0x1006041b0, V=@0x100111f00) at unit_test_suite.ipp:193
430No locals.
431#19 0x00000001000076a9 in boost::unit_test::traverse_test_tree (id=65536, V=@0x100111f00) at unit_test_suite.ipp:232
432No locals.
433#20 0x000000010001b7e5 in boost::unit_test::traverse_test_tree (suite=@0x100604290, V=@0x100111f00) at unit_test_suite.ipp:207
434 id = 65536
435 _fe_con_206 = false
436 _fe_cur_206 = (static_any_t) @0x7fff5fbff2f0: {<No data fields>}
437 _fe_end_206 = (static_any_t) @0x7fff5fbff2c8: {<No data fields>}
438#21 0x00000001000076c3 in boost::unit_test::traverse_test_tree (id=1, V=@0x100111f00) at unit_test_suite.ipp:234
439No locals.
440#22 0x00000001000071ca in boost::unit_test::framework::run (id=1, continue_test=true) at framework.ipp:442
441 tcc = {
442 <boost::unit_test::test_tree_visitor> = {
443 _vptr$test_tree_visitor = 0x100110b40
444 },
445 members of boost::unit_test::test_case_counter:
446 p_count = {
447 <boost::unit_test::readonly_property<unsigned long>> = {
448 <boost::unit_test::class_property<unsigned long>> = {
449 value = 1
450 }, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}
452 call_start_finish = true
453 was_in_progress = false
454#23 0x0000000100016bbe in boost::unit_test::unit_test_main (init_func=0x100016da0 <init_unit_test_suite(int, char**)>, argc=1, argv=0x7fff5fbffaf0) at unit_test_main.ipp:185
455 ex = ('boost::unit_test::framework::internal_error' &) @0x39976564891e8226: #24 0x0000000100016d91 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fff5fbffaf0) at unit_test_main.ipp:237
456 init_func = (init_unit_test_func) 0x100016da0 <init_unit_test_suite(int, char**)>
457(gdb) The program is running. Exit anyway? (y or n)