Ticket #7630: boost-range.patch

File boost-range.patch, 24.8 KB (added by Jeffrey Yasskin <jyasskin@…>, 9 years ago)

Patch demonstrating the fix on boost::adaptors::filtered

  • boost/range/adaptor/extend_temporary.hpp

     1// Boost.Range library
     3//  Copyright Google 2013. Use, modification and
     4//  distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version
     5//  1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
     6//  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
     8// For more information, see http://www.boost.org/libs/range/
     14#include <boost/config.hpp>
     16namespace boost
     18    // Pass a template argument that has been deduced as an rvalue
     19    // reference, and std::forward the function argument.
     20    // extend_temporary<T> will move temporaries into a member
     21    // variable, but not store anything for non-temporaries.
     22    //
     23    // Call this->extended(function_arg) to get a reference to either
     24    // the lifetime-extended temporary or the lvalue argument.
     25    template< class T >
     26    struct extend_temporary
     27    {
     28    private:
     29        T extended_;
     30    protected:
     32        // No need to provide an alternative for C++98: they'll all
     33        // use the specialization below.
     34        extend_temporary(T&& to_extend) : extended_(std::forward<T>(to_extend))
     35        { }
     37        T& extended(T&)
     38        { return extended_; }
     39    };
     41    template< class T >
     42    struct extend_temporary< T& >
     43    {
     44        // Empty.
     45    protected:
     46        extend_temporary(T&)
     47        { }
     49        T& extended(T& lval)
     50        { return lval; }
     51    };
  • boost/range/adaptor/filtered.hpp

    11// Boost.Range library
    3 //  Copyright Thorsten Ottosen, Neil Groves 2006 - 2008. Use, modification and
     3//  Copyright Thorsten Ottosen, Neil Groves 2006 - 2008, Google 2013. Use, modification and
    44//  distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version
    55//  1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
    66//  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
    1414#include <boost/range/adaptor/argument_fwd.hpp>
     15#include <boost/range/adaptor/extend_temporary.hpp>
    1516#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
    1617#include <boost/iterator/filter_iterator.hpp>
    namespace boost  
    2021    namespace range_detail
    2122    {
     23        // Note that R is an lvalue reference type if the filter was
     24        // passed an lvalue range.
    2225        template< class P, class R >
    2326        struct filtered_range :
    24             boost::iterator_range<
     27            private boost::extend_temporary<R>,
     28            public boost::iterator_range<
    2529                boost::filter_iterator< P,
    2630                    BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME range_iterator<R>::type
    2731                >
    namespace boost  
    3438                        >
    3539                    > base;
    3640        public:
    37             filtered_range( P p, R& r )
    38             : base( make_filter_iterator( p, boost::begin(r), boost::end(r) ),
    39                     make_filter_iterator( p, boost::end(r), boost::end(r) ) )
     42            filtered_range( P p, R&& r )
     43            : extend_temporary<R>(std::forward<R>(r)),
     45            filtered_range( P p, R r )
     46            : extend_temporary<R>(r),
     48              base( make_filter_iterator( p, boost::begin(this->extended(r)), boost::end(this->extended(r)) ),
     49                    make_filter_iterator( p, boost::end(this->extended(r)), boost::end(this->extended(r)) ) )
    4050            { }
    4151        };
    namespace boost  
    4757            { }
    4858        };
    5061        template< class InputRng, class Predicate >
    5162        inline filtered_range<Predicate, InputRng>
     63        operator|( InputRng&& r,
     64                   const filter_holder<Predicate>& f )
     65        {
     66            return filtered_range<Predicate, InputRng>(
     67                f.val, std::forward<InputRng>(r) );
     68        }
     70        template< class InputRng, class Predicate >
     71        inline filtered_range<Predicate, InputRng&>
    5272        operator|( InputRng& r,
    5373                   const filter_holder<Predicate>& f )
    5474        {
    55             return filtered_range<Predicate, InputRng>( f.val, r );
     75            return filtered_range<Predicate, InputRng&>( f.val, r );
    5676        }
    5878        template< class InputRng, class Predicate >
    59         inline filtered_range<Predicate, const InputRng>
     79        inline filtered_range<Predicate, const InputRng&>
    6080        operator|( const InputRng& r,
    6181                   const filter_holder<Predicate>& f )
    6282        {
    63             return filtered_range<Predicate, const InputRng>( f.val, r );
     83            return filtered_range<Predicate, const InputRng&>( f.val, r );
    6484        }
    6687    } // 'range_detail'
    namespace boost  
    81102                       range_detail::forwarder<range_detail::filter_holder>();
    82103        }
    84106        template<class InputRange, class Predicate>
    85107        inline filtered_range<Predicate, InputRange>
    86         filter(InputRange& rng, Predicate filter_pred)
     108        filter(InputRange&& rng, Predicate filter_pred)
    87109        {
    88110            return range_detail::filtered_range<Predicate, InputRange>( filter_pred, rng );
    89111        }
     113        template<class InputRange, class Predicate>
     114        inline filtered_range<Predicate, InputRange&>
     115        filter(InputRange& rng, Predicate filter_pred)
     116        {
     117            return range_detail::filtered_range<Predicate, InputRange&>( filter_pred, rng );
     118        }
    91120        template<class InputRange, class Predicate>
    92         inline filtered_range<Predicate, const InputRange>
     121        inline filtered_range<Predicate, const InputRange&>
    93122        filter(const InputRange& rng, Predicate filter_pred)
    94123        {
    95             return range_detail::filtered_range<Predicate, const InputRange>( filter_pred, rng );
     124            return range_detail::filtered_range<Predicate, const InputRange&>( filter_pred, rng );
    96125        }
    97127    } // 'adaptors'
  • boost/range/iterator.hpp

    11// Boost.Range library
    3 //  Copyright Thorsten Ottosen 2003-2004. Use, modification and
     3//  Copyright Thorsten Ottosen 2003-2004, Google 2013. Use, modification and
    44//  distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version
    55//  1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
    66//  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
    2020#include <boost/range/const_iterator.hpp>
    2121#include <boost/type_traits/is_const.hpp>
    2222#include <boost/type_traits/remove_const.hpp>
     23#include <boost/type_traits/remove_reference.hpp>
    2324#include <boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp>
    2526namespace boost
    namespace boost  
    5051    template< typename C >
    5152    struct range_iterator
    5253    {
     54        typedef BOOST_RANGE_DEDUCED_TYPENAME
     55                remove_reference<C>::type without_reference;
    5356#if BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, == 1310)
    5558        typedef BOOST_RANGE_DEDUCED_TYPENAME 
    56                range_detail_vc7_1::range_iterator<C>::type type; 
     59                range_detail_vc7_1::range_iterator<without_reference>::type type; 
    6063        typedef BOOST_RANGE_DEDUCED_TYPENAME
    61             mpl::eval_if_c< is_const<C>::value,
    62                             range_const_iterator< typename remove_const<C>::type >,
    63                             range_mutable_iterator<C> >::type type;
     64            mpl::eval_if_c< is_const<without_reference>::value,
     65                            range_const_iterator< typename remove_const<without_reference>::type >,
     66                            range_mutable_iterator<without_reference> >::type type;
    6669    };
  • libs/range/doc/reference/adaptors/filtered.qbk

    2     Copyright 2010 Neil Groves
     2    Copyright 2010 Neil Groves, 2013 Google
    33    Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
    44    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
    1515* [*Postcondition:] For all adjacent elements `[x]` in the returned range, `pred(x)` is `true`.
    1616* [*Throws:] Whatever the copy constructor of `pred` might throw.
    1717* [*Range Category:] __forward_range__
    18 * [*Range Return Type:] `boost::filtered_range<typeof(rng)>`
    1918* [*Returned Range Category:] The minimum of the range category of `rng` and __bidirectional_range__
    2120[section:filtered_example filtered example]
  • libs/range/doc/reference/adaptors.qbk

    2     Copyright 2010 Neil Groves
     2    Copyright 2010 Neil Groves, 2013 Google
    33    Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
    44    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
    Also note that `boost::range_value<R>::type` must  
    144144Range Category in the following adaptor descriptions refers to the minimum range concept required by the range passed to the adaptor. The resultant range is a model of the same range concept as the input range unless specified otherwise.
    146 Returned Range Category is the concept of the returned range. In some cases the returned range is of a lesser category than the range passed to the adaptor. For example, the `filtered` adaptor returns only a `ForwardRange` regardless of the input.
     146Returned Range Category is the concept of the returned range. In some cases the returned range is of a lesser category than the range passed to the adaptor. For example, the `filtered` adaptor returns at most a `BidirectionalRange` regardless of the input.
    148148Furthermore, the following rules apply to any expression of the form
    150150rng | boost::adaptors::adaptor_generator
    153 1. Applying `operator|()` to a range `R` (always left argument) and a range adapter `RA` (always right argument) yields a new range type which may not conform to the same range concept as `R`.
     153# Applying `operator|()` to a range `R` (always left argument) and a range adapter `RA` (always right argument) yields a new range type which may not conform to the same range concept as `R`.
    155 2. The return-type of `operator|()` is otherwise unspecified.
     155# The return-type of `operator|()` is otherwise unspecified.
    157 3. `operator|()` is found by Argument Dependent Lookup (ADL) because a range adaptor is implemented in namespace `boost::adaptors`.
     157# `operator|()` is found by Argument Dependent Lookup (ADL) because a range adaptor is implemented in namespace `boost::adaptors`.
    159 4. `operator|()` is used to add new behaviour ['*lazily*] and never modifies its left argument.
     159# When compiled in at least C++11 and passed a temporary (rvalue) range as the left argument, `operator|()` will move the range into its return value.
    161 5. All iterators extracted from the left argument are extracted using qualified calls to `boost::begin()` and `boost::end()`.
     161# `operator|()` is used to add new behaviour ['*lazily*], and never modifies its left argument, except possibly to move it as mentioned above.
    163 6. In addition to the `throw`-clauses below, `operator|()` may throw exceptions as a result of copying iterators. If such copying cannot throw an exception, then neither can the whole expression.
     163# All iterators extracted from the left argument are extracted using qualified calls to `boost::begin()` and `boost::end()`.
     165# In addition to the `throw`-clauses below, `operator|()` may throw exceptions as a result of copying iterators or moving rvalue ranges. If such copying or moving cannot throw an exception, then neither can the whole expression.
    167169[section:reference Reference]
  • libs/range/doc/reference/extending.qbk

    2     Copyright 2010 Neil Groves
     2    Copyright 2010 Neil Groves, 2013 Google
    33    Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
    44    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
    To implement a Range Adaptor without arguments (e.  
    171171# Provide a range for your return type, for example:
    173173#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
     174#include <boost/range/adaptor/extend_temporary.hpp>
    174175#include <boost/iterator/reverse_iterator.hpp>
    176177template< typename R >
    177178struct reverse_range :
    178     boost::iterator_range<
     179    private boost::extend_temporary<R>,
     180    public boost::iterator_range<
    179181        boost::reverse_iterator<
    180182            typename boost::range_iterator<R>::type> >
    struct reverse_range :  
    188190    typedef boost::reverse_iterator<
    189191        typename boost::range_iterator<R>::type > iterator;
    191     reverse_range(R& r)
    192         : base(iterator(boost::end(r)), iterator(boost::begin(r)))
     193    reverse_range(R&& r)
     194        : boost::extend_temporary<R>(std::forward<R>(r)),
     195          base(iterator(boost::end(this->extended(r))),
     196               iterator(boost::begin(this->extended(r))))
    193197    { }
    namespace detail {  
    206210template< class BidirectionalRng >
    207211inline reverse_range<BidirectionalRng>
    208 operator|( BidirectionalRng& r, detail::reverse_forwarder )
     212operator|( BidirectionalRng&& r, detail::reverse_forwarder )
    210         return reverse_range<BidirectionalRng>( r );
     214        return reverse_range<BidirectionalRng>( std::forward<BidirectionalRng>(r) );
    213 template< class BidirectionalRng >
    214 inline reverse_range<const BidirectionalRng>
    215 operator|( const BidirectionalRng& r, detail::reverse_forwarder )
    216 {
    217         return reverse_range<const BidirectionalRng>( r );
    218 }
    221218# Declare the adaptor itself (it is a variable of the tag type).
    class replace_value  
    260257template<typename Range>
    261258class replace_range
    262 : public boost::iterator_range<
    263     boost::transform_iterator<
     259: private boost::extend_temporary<Range>,
     260  public boost::iterator_range<
     261    public boost::transform_iterator<
    264262        replace_value<typename boost::range_value<Range>::type>,
    265263        typename boost::range_iterator<Range>::type> >
    class replace_range  
    272270    typedef boost::iterator_range<replaced_iterator> base_t;
    275     replace_range(Range& rng, value_type from, value_type to)
    276         : base_t(replaced_iterator(boost::begin(rng), Fn(from,to)),
    277                  replaced_iterator(boost::end(rng), Fn(from,to)))
     273    replace_range(Range&& rng, value_type from, value_type to)
     274        : boost::extend_temporary<Range>(std::forward<Range>(rng)),
     275          base_t(replaced_iterator(boost::begin(this->extended(rng)), Fn(from,to)),
     276                 replaced_iterator(boost::end(this->extended(rng)), Fn(from,to)))
    278277     {
    279278     }
    280279 };
    replaced = boost::range_detail::forwarder2<replace  
    306305template<typename SinglePassRange>
    307306inline replace_range<SinglePassRange>
    308 operator|(SinglePassRange& rng,
     307operator|(SinglePassRange&& rng,
    309308          const replace_holder<typename boost::range_value<SinglePassRange>::type>& f)
    311     return replace_range<SinglePassRange>(rng, f.val1, f.val2);
     310    return replace_range<SinglePassRange>(std::forward<SinglePassRange>(rng), f.val1, f.val2);
    314 template<typename SinglePassRange>
    315 inline replace_range<const SinglePassRange>
    316 operator|(const SinglePassRange& rng,
    317           const replace_holder<typename boost::range_value<SinglePassRange>::type>& f)
    318 {
    319     return replace_range<const SinglePassRange>(rng, f.val1, f.val2);
    320 }
  • libs/range/doc/reference/utilities.qbk

    2     Copyright 2010 Neil Groves
     2    Copyright 2010 Neil Groves, 2013 Google
    33    Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
    44    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
    Having an abstraction that encapsulates a pair of  
    1010* Class `iterator_range`
    1111* Class `sub_range`
    12 * Function `join`
    1413The `iterator_range` class is templated on an __forward_traversal_iterator__ and should be used whenever fairly general code is needed. The `sub_range` class is templated on an __forward_range__ and it is less general, but a bit easier to use since its template argument is easier to specify. The biggest difference is, however, that a `sub_range` can propagate constness because it knows what a corresponding `const_iterator` is.
    1615Both classes can be used as ranges since they implement the __minimal_interface__ required for this to work automatically.
     17This library also provides two further utilities:
     19* Function `join`
     20* Class `extend_temporary`
    1823[section:iterator_range Class `iterator_range`]
    2025The intention of the `iterator_range` class is to encapsulate two iterators so they fulfill the __forward_range__ concept. A few other functions are also provided for convenience.
    The expression `join(irange(0,5), irange(5,10))` w  
     311[section:extend_temporary Class `extend_temporary`]
     313C++11 added the ability to easily capture expression templates into local variables:
     316auto&& new_range = MakeVector() | filtered(pred) | reversed;
     319However, the above statement includes two temporaries (`MakeVector()` and `MakeVector() | filtered(pred)`) that are destroyed at the end of the statement\u2014well before `new_range` is destroyed. The solution is to detect temporaries with rvalue reference parameters and move them into the adapted range.
     321The simplest way of doing this stores a `T&` field in the return value of `lvalue | adaptor`.  This is fine if the adaptor needs to store a reference regardless, but most of the adaptors in this library already store iterators in their member variables, which makes the extra `T&` field a waste of space.  To fix this, we provide the `extend_temporary<left_argument_type>` class, which is empty in the case of an lvalue left argument.
     323[h4 Synopsis]
     326namespace boost
     328    template< class LeftArgumentType >
     329    class extend_temporary
     330    {
     331    LeftArgumentType storage;  // Exposition only; absent if LeftArgumentType is an lvalue reference.
     333    public:  // construction
     334        extend_temporary( LeftArgumentType&& forwarded_left_argument );
     336    public:  // access
     337        LeftArgumentType& extended(LeftArgumentType& lvalue_left_argument);
     338    };
     339} // namespace 'boost'
     342`extend_temporary<T&>` is an empty class.
     344This class is used as follows:
     348template< class P, class Range > struct filtered_range;
     350template< class Range, class Predicate >
     351inline filtered_range<Predicate, Range>
     352operator|( Range&& r,  // <- Note deduced rvalue reference.
     353           const filter_holder<Predicate>& f )
     355    return filtered_range<Predicate, Range>(  // <- Instantiate filtered_range with template param.
     356        f.val, std::forward<Range>(r) );  // <- Forward argument into constructor.
     359template< class P, class Range >
     360struct filtered_range :
     361    private boost::extend_temporary<Range>, ...
     363    filtered_range( P p, Range&& r )
     364    : extend_temporary<Range>(std::forward<Range>(r)),
     365      impl(this->extended(r)) {}  // <- Use a reference either to the lifetime-extended
     366                                  // argument or the direct argument.
     371# Define a function template taking a deduced rvalue reference parameter (`Range`), so that the template parameter becomes an lvalue reference for named arguments but a non-reference for temporary arguments.
     373# Define a wrapper struct template`<Range>` that inherits from `extend_temporary<Range>`.
     375# Pass the unmodified template parameter to the wrapper struct.
     377# Pass `std::forward<Range>(function_arg)` into the wrapper struct and thence into `extend_temporary<Range>`.
     379# In the constructor of the wrapper struct, anywhere you need to use a reference to the argument's value, use `this->extended(function_arg)` instead, to get a reference to the internal storage when necessary.
     382In C++98 mode, you can either drop the use of `extend_temporary` entirely, or you can instantiate it with lvalue references to turn it off:
     386template< class P, class Range > struct filtered_range;
     388// Both const and non-const lvalue reference overloads:
     389template< class Range, class Predicate >
     390inline filtered_range<Predicate, Range&>  // Range&, not just Range.
     391operator|( Range& r,
     392           const filter_holder<Predicate>& f )
     394    // And pass exactly the argument type and value into filtered_range:
     395    return filtered_range<Predicate, Range&>( f.val, r );
     398template< class Range, class Predicate >
     399inline filtered_range<Predicate, const Range&>  // const Range&, not just Range.
     400operator|( const Range& r,
     401           const filter_holder<Predicate>& f )
     403    return filtered_range<Predicate, const Range&>( f.val, r );
     406template< class P, class Range >
     407struct filtered_range :
     408    private boost::extend_temporary<Range>, ...
     410    filtered_range( P p, Range r )  // <- Remember that Range is a reference type in this case.
     411    : extend_temporary<Range>(r),
     412      impl(this->extended(r)) {}  // <- Returns 'r' since 'Range' is a reference.
     417[h4 Details member functions]
     419`extend_temporary( LeftArgumentType&& );`
     421[:['[*Effects]] If `LeftArgumentType&&` is an rvalue reference, moves it into `storage`. If `LeftArgumentType&&` is an lvalue reference, has no effect.]
     423`LeftArgumentType& extended(LeftArgumentType& orig_arg]`
     425[:['[*Returns]] If `LeftArgumentType` is a lvalue reference, `orig_arg`. Otherwise `storage`.]
  • libs/range/test/adaptor_test/filtered.cpp

    11// Boost.Range library
    3 //  Copyright Neil Groves 2009. Use, modification and
     3//  Copyright Neil Groves 2009, Google 2013. Use, modification and
    44//  distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version
    55//  1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
    66//  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
    namespace boost  
    8383                                           reference_result.end(),
    8484                                           test_result2.begin(),
    8585                                           test_result2.end() );
     88            // Check that temporary arguments can be captured into
     89            // either an auto-typed variable or a range-based for
     90            // loop.
     92            std::vector< value_t > test_result3;
     93            auto filter_result = Container(c) | filtered(pred);
     94            boost::push_back(test_result3, filter_result);
     95            BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( reference_result.begin(),
     96                                           reference_result.end(),
     97                                           test_result3.begin(),
     98                                           test_result3.end() );
     101#ifndef BOOST_NO_CXX11_RANGE_BASED_FOR
     102            std::vector< value_t > test_result4;
     103            for (const value_t& elem : Container(c) | filtered(pred))
     104                test_result4.push_back( elem );
     105            BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS( reference_result.begin(),
     106                                           reference_result.end(),
     107                                           test_result4.begin(),
     108                                           test_result4.end() );
    86111        }
    88113        template< class Container, class Pred >