Ticket #7648: fix_comment_typo.patch

File fix_comment_typo.patch, 3.0 KB (added by oss.2012.team+C2@…, 10 years ago)

Patch for boost/graph/labeled_graph.hpp and boost/graph/detail/labeled_graph_traits.hpp

  • boost/graph/labeled_graph.hpp

    2121#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
    2323// This file implements a utility for creating mappings from arbitrary
    24 // identifers to the vertices of a graph.
     24// identifiers to the vertices of a graph.
    2626namespace boost {
    104104    // Tag dispatch on random access containers (i.e., vectors). This function
    105105    // basically requires a) that Container is vector<Label> and that Label
    106106    // is an unsigned integral value. Note that this will resize the vector
    107     // to accomodate indices.
     107    // to accommodate indices.
    108108    template <typename Container, typename Graph, typename Label, typename Prop>
    109109    std::pair<typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor, bool>
    110110    insert_labeled_vertex(Container& c, Graph& g, Label const& l, Prop const& p,
    112112    {
    113113        typedef typename graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
    115         // If the label is out of bounds, resize the vector to accomodate.
     115        // If the label is out of bounds, resize the vector to accommodate.
    116116        // Resize by 2x the index so we don't cause quadratic insertions over
    117117        // time.
    118118        if(l >= c.size()) {
    246246 * vertex labels and vertex descriptors.
    247247 *
    248248 * @todo This class is somewhat redundant for adjacency_list<*, vecS>  if
    249  * the intended label is an unsigned int (and perhpahs some other cases), but
     249 * the intended label is an unsigned int (and perhaps some other cases), but
    250250 * it does avoid some weird ambiguities (i.e. adding a vertex with a label that
    251251 * does not match its target index).
    252252 *
    310310        _map.insert(_map.end(), rng.first, rng.second);
    311311    }
    313     // Construct a grpah over n vertices, each of which receives a label from
     313    // Construct a graph over n vertices, each of which receives a label from
    314314    // the range [l, l + n). Note that the graph is not directly constructed
    315315    // over the n vertices, but added sequentially. This constructor is
    316316    // necessarily slower than the underlying counterpart.
  • boost/graph/detail/labeled_graph_traits.hpp

    218218#define LABELED_GRAPH_PARAMS typename G, typename L, typename S
    219219#define LABELED_GRAPH labeled_graph<G,L,S>
    221 // Specialize mutability traits for for the labeled graph.
     221// Specialize mutability traits for the labeled graph.
    222222// This specialization depends on the mutability of the underlying graph type.
    223 // If the underlying graph is fully mutable, this this is also fully mutable.
     223// If the underlying graph is fully mutable, this is also fully mutable.
    224224// Otherwise, it's different.
    225225template <LABELED_GRAPH_PARAMS>
    226226struct graph_mutability_traits< LABELED_GRAPH > {