Ticket #7684: fix_comment_typo.patch

File fix_comment_typo.patch, 1.4 KB (added by oss.2012.team+D1@…, 10 years ago)

Patch for Minor comment typo in boost/graph/tiernan_all_cycles.hpp

  • boost/graph/tiernan_all_cycles.hpp

    6464// basically modernized it to use real data structures (no more arrays and matrices).
    6565// Oh... and there's explicit control structures - not just gotos.
    67 // The problem is definitely NP-complete, an an unbounded implementation of this
     67// The problem is definitely NP-complete, an unbounded implementation of this
    6868// will probably run for quite a while on a large graph. The conclusions
    6969// of this paper also reference a Paton algorithm for undirected graphs as being
    7070// much more efficient (apparently based on spanning trees). Although not implemented,
    8585//         }
    88  * The default cycle visitor providse an empty visit function for cycle
     88 * The default cycle visitor provides an empty visit function for cycle
    8989 * visitors.
    9090 */
    9191struct cycle_visitor
    169169        // conditions for allowing a traversal along this edge are:
    170170        // 1. the index of v must be greater than that at which the
    171         //    the path is rooted (p.front()).
     171        //    path is rooted (p.front()).
    172172        // 2. the vertex v cannot already be in the path
    173173        // 3. the vertex v cannot be closed to the vertex u