Ticket #7737: fix_comment_typo.patch

File fix_comment_typo.patch, 4.8 KB (added by oss.2012.team+E4@…, 10 years ago)

Patch for boost/wave/cpplexer/re2clex/cpp_re2c_lexer.hpp

  • boost/wave/cpplexer/re2clex/cpp_re2c_lexer.hpp

    395395//  This function is declared inside the cpp_lex_token.hpp file, which is
    396396//  referenced by the source file calling the lexer and the source file, which
    397 //  instantiates the lex_functor. But is is defined here, so it will be
     397//  instantiates the lex_functor. But it is defined here, so it will be
    398398//  instantiated only while compiling the source file, which instantiates the
    399399//  lex_functor. While the cpp_re2c_token.hpp file may be included everywhere,
    400400//  this file (cpp_re2c_lexer.hpp) should be included only once. This allows
  • boost/wave/util/flex_string.hpp

    344344            // 11-17-2000: comment added:
    345345            //     No need to allocate (capacity + 1) to
    346346            //     accommodate the terminating 0, because Data already
    347             //     has one one character in there
     347            //     has one character in there
    348348            pData_ = static_cast<Data*>(
    349349                malloc(sizeof(Data) + capacity * sizeof(E)));
    350350            if (!pData_) boost::throw_exception(std::bad_alloc());
  • libs/wave/samples/list_includes/lexertl/lexertl_lexer.hpp

    783783//  This function is declared inside the xlex_interface.hpp file, which is
    784784//  referenced by the source file calling the lexer and the source file, which
    785 //  instantiates the lex_functor. But is is defined here, so it will be
     785//  instantiates the lex_functor. But it is defined here, so it will be
    786786//  instantiated only while compiling the source file, which instantiates the
    787787//  lex_functor. While the xlex_interface.hpp file may be included everywhere,
    788788//  this file (xlex_lexer.hpp) should be included only once. This allows
  • libs/wave/samples/cpp_tokens/slex/cpp_slex_lexer.hpp

    781781//  This function is declared inside the cpp_slex_token.hpp file, which is
    782782//  referenced by the source file calling the lexer and the source file, which
    783 //  instantiates the lex_functor. But is is defined here, so it will be
     783//  instantiates the lex_functor. But it is defined here, so it will be
    784784//  instantiated only while compiling the source file, which instantiates the
    785785//  lex_functor. While the cpp_slex_token.hpp file may be included everywhere,
    786786//  this file (cpp_slex_lexer.hpp) should be included only once. This allows
  • libs/wave/samples/token_statistics/xlex/xlex_lexer.hpp

    558558//  This function is declared inside the xlex_interface.hpp file, which is
    559559//  referenced by the source file calling the lexer and the source file, which
    560 //  instantiates the lex_functor. But is is defined here, so it will be
     560//  instantiates the lex_functor. But it is defined here, so it will be
    561561//  instantiated only while compiling the source file, which instantiates the
    562562//  lex_functor. While the xlex_interface.hpp file may be included everywhere,
    563563//  this file (xlex_lexer.hpp) should be included only once. This allows
  • libs/wave/samples/waveidl/idllexer/idl_re2c_lexer.hpp

    247247//  This function is declared inside the cpp_slex_token.hpp file, which is
    248248//  referenced by the source file calling the lexer and the source file, which
    249 //  instantiates the lex_functor. But is is defined here, so it will be
     249//  instantiates the lex_functor. But it is defined here, so it will be
    250250//  instantiated only while compiling the source file, which instantiates the
    251251//  lex_functor. While the cpp_re2c_token.hpp file may be included everywhere,
    252252//  this file (cpp_re2c_lexer.hpp) should be included only once. This allows