Ticket #7761: fix_comment_typo.patch

File fix_comment_typo.patch, 2.6 KB (added by oss.2012.team+E1@…, 10 years ago)

Patch for boost/asio/ssl/detail/stream_core.hpp

  • boost/asio/windows/basic_random_access_handle.hpp

    5858  /// Construct a basic_random_access_handle without opening it.
    5959  /**
    6060   * This constructor creates a random-access handle without opening it. The
    61    * handle needs to be opened before data can be written to or or read from it.
     61   * handle needs to be opened before data can be written to or read from it.
    6262   *
    6363   * @param io_service The io_service object that the random-access handle will
    6464   * use to dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the
  • boost/asio/detail/win_iocp_socket_service_base.hpp

    446446      bool peer_is_open, socket_holder& new_socket, int family, int type,
    447447      int protocol, void* output_buffer, DWORD address_length, operation* op);
    449   // Start an asynchronous read or write operation using the the reactor.
     449  // Start an asynchronous read or write operation using the reactor.
    450450  BOOST_ASIO_DECL void start_reactor_op(base_implementation_type& impl,
    451451      int op_type, reactor_op* op);
  • boost/asio/ssl/detail/stream_core.hpp

    3535struct stream_core
    37   // According to the OpenSSL documentation, this is the buffer size that is is
     37  // According to the OpenSSL documentation, this is the buffer size that is
    3838  // sufficient to hold the largest possible TLS record.
    3939  enum { max_tls_record_size = 17 * 1024 };
  • boost/asio/ssl/old/detail/openssl_operation.hpp

    154154                // For connect/accept/shutdown, the operation
    155155                // is done, when return code is 1
    156156                // for write, it is done, when is retcode > 0
    157                 // for read, is is done when retcode > 0
     157                // for read, it is done when retcode > 0
    159159    int error_code =  !is_operation_done ?
    160160          ::SSL_get_error( session_, rc ) :