Ticket #7762: fix_comment_typo.patch

File fix_comment_typo.patch, 4.5 KB (added by oss.2012.team+E3@…, 10 years ago)

Patch for boost/locale/date_time.hpp

  • boost/locale/date_time.hpp

    104104            ///
    105105            ///  Get period_type for: Day of week, Sunday=1, Monday=2,..., Saturday=7.
    106106            ///
    107             /// Note that that updating this value respects local day of week, so for example,
     107            /// Note that updating this value respects local day of week, so for example,
    108108            /// If first day of week is Monday and the current day is Tuesday then setting
    109109            /// the value to Sunday (1) would forward the date by 5 days forward and not backward
    110110            /// by two days as it could be expected if the numbers were taken as is.
    179179            ///
    180180            ///  Get date_time_period for: Day of week, Sunday=1, Monday=2,..., Saturday=7.
    181181            ///
    182             /// Note that that updating this value respects local day of week, so for example,
     182            /// Note that updating this value respects local day of week, so for example,
    183183            /// If first day of week is Monday and the current day is Tuesday then setting
    184184            /// the value to Sunday (1) would forward the date by 5 days forward and not backward
    185185            /// by two days as it could be expected if the numbers were taken as is.
    10091009            ///
    10101010            ///  Extract from date_time numerical value of Day of week, Sunday=1, Monday=2,..., Saturday=7.
    10111011            ///
    1012             /// Note that that updating this value respects local day of week, so for example,
     1012            /// Note that updating this value respects local day of week, so for example,
    10131013            /// If first day of week is Monday and the current day is Tuesday then setting
    10141014            /// the value to Sunday (1) would forward the date by 5 days forward and not backward
    10151015            /// by two days as it could be expected if the numbers were taken as is.
  • boost/locale/date_time_facet.hpp

    3737                    day,                        ///< The day of month, calendar specific, in Gregorian [1..31]
    3838                    day_of_year,                ///< The number of day in year, starting from 1, in Gregorian  [1..366]
    3939                    day_of_week,                ///< Day of week, Sunday=1, Monday=2,..., Saturday=7.
    40                                                 ///< Note that that updating this value respects local day of week, so for example,
     40                                                ///< Note that updating this value respects local day of week, so for example,
    4141                                                ///< If first day of week is Monday and the current day is Tuesday then setting
    4242                                                ///< the value to Sunday (1) would forward the date by 5 days forward and not backward
    4343                                                ///< by two days as it could be expected if the numbers were taken as is.
  • boost/locale/utf.hpp

    2929    /// \endcond
    3131    ///
    32     /// \brief The integral type type that can hold a Unicode code point
     32    /// \brief The integral type that can hold a Unicode code point
    3333    ///
    3434    typedef uint32_t code_point;
  • boost/locale/util.hpp

    133133        /// and [\a begin, \a code_point_end) would be valid input sequence, then \a incomplete is returned begin stays unchanged, for example
    134134        /// for UTF-8 conversion a *begin = 0xc2, \a begin +1 = \a end is such situation.
    135135        ///
    136         /// if invalid input sequence found, i.e. there there is a sequence [\a begin, \a code_point_end) such as \a code_point_end <= \a end
     136        /// if invalid input sequence found, i.e. there is a sequence [\a begin, \a code_point_end) such as \a code_point_end <= \a end
    137137        /// that is illegal for this encoding, \a illegal is returned and begin stays unchanged. For example if *begin = 0xFF and begin < end
    138138        /// for UTF-8, then \a illegal is returned.
    139139        ///