1 | #include <fstream>
2 | #include <boost/serialization/base_object.hpp>
3 | #include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
4 |
5 | // A class, which must not be used as base class (e.g. because the destructor is not
6 | // virtual).
7 | class Foo final{
8 | public:
9 | template<class ArchiveType>
10 | void serialize(ArchiveType& rArchive,const unsigned int Version){
11 | }
12 | };
13 |
14 |
15 | void main(){
16 | // Create an instance of Foo
17 | Foo Instance;
18 | // Serialize it to a text archive
19 | std::fstream OutputFile("OutputFile.txt");
20 | if(OutputFile.is_open()){
21 | boost::archive::text_oarchive OutputArchive(OutputFile);
22 | // Templates instantiated due to the next line cause the following error,
23 | // when compiling with Visual Studio 2012 SP1:
24 | // [...]boost\type_traits\is_polymorphic.hpp(46): error C3246:
25 | // 'boost::detail::is_polymorphic_imp1<T>::d2' : cannot inherit from 'Foo'
26 | // as it has been declared as 'final'
27 | OutputArchive<<Instance;
28 | }
29 | }