Ticket #7915: fix_doc_typo.patch

File fix_doc_typo.patch, 7.3 KB (added by oss.2012.team+G2@…, 10 years ago)

Patch for libs/accumulators/doc/accumulators.qbk

  • libs/accumulators/doc/accumulators.qbk

    123123  primitives which fit within the framework.
    124124* Users push data into the _accumulator_set_ object one sample at a time.
    125125* The _accumulator_set_ computes the requested quantities in the most efficient method
    126   possible, resolving dependencies between requested calculations, possibly cacheing
     126  possible, resolving dependencies between requested calculations, possibly caching
    127127  intermediate results.
    129129The Accumulators Framework defines the utilities needed for defining primitive
    155155                        a sample type and a list of features. The accumulator set uses this
    156156                        information to generate an ordered set of accumulators depending on
    157157                        the feature dependency graph. An accumulator set accepts samples one
    158                         datum at a time, propogating them to each accumulator in order. At any
     158                        datum at a time, propagating them to each accumulator in order. At any
    159159                        point, results can be extracted from the accumulator set.]]
    160160    [[Extractor]       [A function or function object that can be used to extract a result
    161161                        from an _accumulator_set_.]]
    602602    accumulator_set< double, features< tag::sum, droppable<tag::mean> > > acc;
    604604`mean` depends on `sum` and `count`. Since `mean` is droppable, so too is `count`.
    605 However, we have explictitly requested that `sum` be not droppable, so it isn't. Had
     605However, we have explicitly requested that `sum` be not droppable, so it isn't. Had
    606606we left `tag::sum` out of the above declaration, the `sum` accumulator would have
    607607been implicitly droppable.
    735735Here, `impl` is a binary [@../../libs/mpl/doc/refmanual/metafunction-class.html
    736736MPL Metafunction Class], which is a kind of _mpl_lambda_expression_. The nested
    737737`apply<>` template is part of the metafunction class protocol and tells MPL how
    738 to to build the accumulator type given the sample and weight types.
     738to build the accumulator type given the sample and weight types.
    740740All features must also provide a nested `is_weight_accumulator` typedef. It must
    741741be either `mpl::true_` or `mpl::false_`. _depends_on_ provides a default of
    940940        struct average;
    941941    }}}
    943 If you have some user-defined type `MyDouble` for which you would like to customimze the behavior
     943If you have some user-defined type `MyDouble` for which you would like to customize the behavior
    944944of `numeric::average()`, you would specialize `numeric::functional::average<>` by
    945945first defining a tag type, as shown below:
    10051005In the following table, `F` is the type of a feature and `S` is some scalar type.
    1007 [table Featue Requirements
     1007[table Feature Requirements
    10081008    [[[*Expression]]                 [[*Return type]]       [[*Assertion / Note /
    10091009                                                               Pre- / Post-condition]]]
    10101010    [[`F::dependencies`]             [['unspecified]]       [An MPL sequence of other features on
    1011                                                              which which `F` depends.]]
     1011                                                             which `F` depends.]]
    10121012    [[`F::is_weight_accumulator`]    [`mpl::true_` or
    10131013                                      `mpl::false_`]        [`mpl::true_` if the accumulator for
    10141014                                                             this feature should be made external
    10281028[section The Statistical Accumulators Library]
    1030 The Statistical Accumulators Library defines accumulators for incremental statistial
     1030The Statistical Accumulators Library defines accumulators for incremental statistical
    10311031computations. It is built on top of [link accumulators.user_s_guide.the_accumulators_framework
    10321032The Accumulator Framework].
    18651865                    >
    18661866                    ``]]
    18671867    [[Depends On] [`count` \n
    1868                    In addtion, `tag::peaks_over_threshold_prob<>` depends on `tail<_left_or_right_>`]]
     1868                   In addition, `tag::peaks_over_threshold_prob<>` depends on `tail<_left_or_right_>`]]
    18691869    [[Variants] [`peaks_over_threshold_prob<_left_or_right_>`]]
    18701870    [[Initialization Parameters] [ `tag::peaks_over_threshold::threshold_value` \n
    18711871                                   `tag::peaks_over_threshold_prob::threshold_probability` \n
    19901990[section:pot_tail_mean pot_tail_mean]
    19921992Estimation of the (coherent) tail mean based on the peaks over threshold method (for both left and right tails).
    1993 For inplementation details, see [classref boost::accumulators::impl::pot_tail_mean_impl [^pot_tail_mean_impl]].
     1993For implementation details, see [classref boost::accumulators::impl::pot_tail_mean_impl [^pot_tail_mean_impl]].
    19951995Both `tag::pot_tail_mean<_left_or_right_>` and `tag::pot_tail_mean_prob<_left_or_right_>` satisfy the
    19961996`tag::tail_mean` feature and can be extracted using the `tail_mean()` extractor.
    21732173[section:skewness skewness]
    21752175The skewness of a sample distribution is defined as the ratio of the 3rd central moment and the [^3/2]-th power
    2176 of the 2nd central moment (the variance) of the sampless 3. For implementation details, see
     2176of the 2nd central moment (the variance) of the samples 3. For implementation details, see
    21772177[classref boost::accumulators::impl::skewness_impl [^skewness_impl]].
    23412341[section:coherent_tail_mean coherent_tail_mean]
    23432343Estimation of the coherent tail mean based on order statistics (for both left and right tails).
    2344 The left coherent tail mean feature is `tag::coherent_tail_mean<left>`, and the right choherent
     2344The left coherent tail mean feature is `tag::coherent_tail_mean<left>`, and the right coherent
    23452345tail mean feature is `tag::coherent_tail_mean<right>`. They both share the `tag::tail_mean` feature
    23462346and can be extracted with the `tail_mean()` extractor. For more implementation details, see
    23472347[classref boost::accumulators::impl::coherent_tail_mean_impl [^coherent_tail_mean_impl]]
    33623362    histogram_type histogram_upper = weighted_p_square_cumulative_distribution(acc_upper);
    33633363    histogram_type histogram_lower = weighted_p_square_cumulative_distribution(acc_lower);
    3365     // Note that applaying importance sampling results in a region of the distribution
     3365    // Note that applying importance sampling results in a region of the distribution
    33663366    // to be estimated more accurately and another region to be estimated less accurately
    33673367    // than without importance sampling, i.e., with unweighted samples
    35363536[section:weighted_skewness weighted_skewness]
    35383538The skewness of a sample distribution is defined as the ratio of the 3rd central moment and the [^3/2]-th power
    3539 of the 2nd central moment (the variance) of the sampless 3. The skewness estimator for weighted samples
     3539of the 2nd central moment (the variance) of the samples 3. The skewness estimator for weighted samples
    35403540is formally identical to the estimator for unweighted samples, except that the weighted counterparts of
    35413541all measures it depends on are to be taken.