Ticket #8370: chrono.qbk.patch

File chrono.qbk.patch, 1.6 KB (added by Alexander <the.malkolm@…>, 10 years ago)
  • libs/chrono/doc/chrono.qbk

    38053805[section:system_clock Class `system_clock`]
    3807 The __system_clock class provides a means of obtaining the current wall-clock time from the system-wide real-time clock. The current time can be obtained by calling `system_clock::now()`. Instances of `system_clock::time_point`  can be converted to and from time_t  with the `system_clock::to_time_t()`  and `system_clock::to_time_point()`  functions. If system clock is not steady, a subsequent call to `system_clock::now()`  may return an earlier time than a previous call (e.g. if the operating system clock is manually adjusted, or synchronized with an external clock).
     3807The __system_clock class provides a means of obtaining the current wall-clock time from the system-wide real-time clock. The current time can be obtained by calling `system_clock::now()`. Instances of `system_clock::time_point`  can be converted to and from time_t  with the `system_clock::to_time_t()`  and `system_clock::from_time_t()`  functions. If system clock is not steady, a subsequent call to `system_clock::now()`  may return an earlier time than a previous call (e.g. if the operating system clock is manually adjusted, or synchronized with an external clock).
    38093809The current implementation of __system_clock is related an epoch (midnight UTC of January 1, 1970), but this is not in the contract. You need to use the static function static