Ticket #8395: lockfree.patch

File lockfree.patch, 555 bytes (added by adam@…, 10 years ago)

Patch to correct valgrind issue (as applied to version 1.53)

  • queue.hpp

    old new  
    9797        typedef typename detail::select_tagged_handle<node, node_based>::handle_type handle_type;
    9999        node(T const & v, handle_type null_handle):
    100             data(v)//, next(tagged_node_handle(0, 0))
     100            data(v), next(tagged_node_handle(0, 0))
    101101        {
    102102            /* increment tag to avoid ABA problem */
    103103            tagged_node_handle old_next = next.load(memory_order_relaxed);