Ticket #8494: vxworks.hpp.diff

File vxworks.hpp.diff, 5.2 KB (added by Peter Brockamp <p.brockamp@…>, 9 years ago)

Added documentation to the OS configuration how to deal with the priority inversion scenario

  • C:/Daten/Libraries/Boost/boost/config/platform/vxworks.hpp

    2121//  of executables differ largely in the available functionality of
    2222//  the C-library, STL, and so on. A DKM uses a library similar to those
    2323//  of vxWorks 5.X - with all its limitations and incompatibilities
    24 //  in respect to ANSI C++ and STL. So probably there might be problems
     24//  with respect to ANSI C++ and STL. So probably there might be problems
    2525//  with the usage of boost from DKMs. WRS or any voluteers are free to
    2626//  prove the opposite!
     28// ====================================================================
     30// Some important information regarding the usage of POSIX semaphores:
     31// -------------------------------------------------------------------
     33// VxWorks as a real time operating system handles threads somewhat
     34// different from what "normal" OSes do, regarding their scheduling!
     35// This could lead to a scenario called "priority inversion" when using
     36// semaphores, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priority_inversion.
     38// Now, VxWorks POSIX-semaphores for DKM's default to the usage of
     39// priority inverting semaphores, which is fine. On the other hand,
     40// for RTP's it defaults to using non priority inverting semaphores,
     41// which could easily pose a serious problem for a real time process,
     42// i.e. deadlocks! To overcome this two possibilities do exist:
     44// a) Patch every piece of boost that uses semaphores to instanciate
     45//    the proper type of semaphores. This is non-intrusive with respect
     46//    to the OS and could relatively easy been done by giving all
     47//    semaphores attributes deviating from the default (for in-depth
     48//    information see the POSIX functions pthread_mutexattr_init()
     49//    and pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol()). However this breaks all
     50//    too easily, as with every new version some boost library could
     51//    all in a sudden start using semaphores, resurrecting the very
     52//    same, hard to locate problem over and over again!
     54// b) We could change the default properties for POSIX-semaphores
     55//    that VxWorks uses for RTP's and this is being suggested here,
     56//    as it will more or less seamlessly integrate with boost. I got
     57//    the following information from WRS how to do this, compare
     58//    Wind River TSR# 1209768:
     60// Instructions for changing the default properties of POSIX-
     61// semaphores for RTP's in VxWorks 6.9:
     62// - Edit the file /vxworks-6.9/target/usr/src/posix/pthreadLib.c
     63//   in the root of your Workbench-installation.
     64// - Around line 917 there should be the definition of the default
     65//   mutex attributes:
     67//   LOCAL pthread_mutexattr_t defaultMutexAttr =
     68//       {
     71//       };
     73//   Here, replace PTHREAD_PRIO_NONE by PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT.
     74// - Around line 1236 there should be a definition for the function
     75//   pthread_mutexattr_init(). A couple of lines below you should
     76//   find a block of code like this:
     78//   pAttr->mutexAttrStatus      = PTHREAD_INITIALIZED_OBJ;
     79//   pAttr->mutexAttrProtocol    = PTHREAD_PRIO_NONE;
     80//   pAttr->mutexAttrPrioceiling = 0;
     81//   pAttr->mutexAttrType        = PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT;
     83//   Here again, replace PTHREAD_PRIO_NONE by PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT.
     84// - Finally, rebuild your VSB. This will create a new VxWorks kernel
     85//   with the changed properties. That's it! Now, using boost should
     86//   no longer cause any problems with task deadlocks!
     88// And here's another useful piece of information concerning VxWorks'
     89// POSIX-functionality in general:
     90// VxWorks is not a genuine POSIX-OS in itself, rather it is using a
     91// kind of compatibility layer (sort of a wrapper) to emulate the
     92// POSIX-functionality by using its own resources and functions.
     93// At the time a task (thread) calls it's first POSIX-function during
     94// runtime it is being transformed by the OS into a POSIX-thread.
     95// This transformation does include a call to malloc() to allocate the
     96// memory required for the housekeeping of POSIX-threads. In a high
     97// priority RTP this malloc() call may be highly undesirable, as its
     98// timing is more or less unpredictable (depending on what your actual
     99// heap looks like). You can circumvent this problem by calling the
     100// function thread_self() at a well defined point in the code of the
     101// task, e.g. shortly after the task spawns up. Thereby you are able
     102// to define the time when the task-transformation will take place and
     103// you could shift it to an uncritical point where a malloc() call is
     104// tolerable. So, if this could pose a problem for your code, remember
     105// to call thread_self() from the affected task at an early stage.
     107// ====================================================================
    28109// Block out all versions before vxWorks 6.x, as these don't work:
    29110// Include header with the vxWorks version information and query them
    30111#include <version.h>