Changeset 42305

Dec 26, 2007, 1:07:12 AM (15 years ago)
Jonathan Turkanis

Resolved issue #1033 (iostreams)


  • added static asserts to prevent using restrict with bidirectional filters and devices (since it would not be clear which of the two sequences is to be restricted). To restrict a bidirectional component, combine the restrictions of a read-only and a write-only view of the component, using combine() and detail::mode_adapter (which should probably be made public)
  • added special treatment for dual_use filters, to make sure the "which" argument to seek is set correctly (although I don't know of any examples of seekable dual use filters)


  • added a "which" parameter to skip() for filters
  • added more fine-grained analysis of modes to determine whether to call the optimized version of detail::skip()
  • added static asserts to rule out the case where skip is called with a non-seekable output-only device


  • removed uses of restrict with bidirectional devices, since this doesn't make sense and is now officially prohibited

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