Changeset 52147

Apr 2, 2009, 10:36:39 PM (14 years ago)

ublas/doc/samples/ex_triangular.cpp: added new example
ublas/doc/samples/Jamfile.v2: added build section for ex_triangular
ublas/doc/container_concept.htm: fixed wrong description of array_type
ublas/doc/triangular.htm: fixed lower/upper confusion and added link to ex_triangular

ublas/test/test_lu.cpp: added unit test for LU decomposition
ublas/test/triangular_access.cpp: added unit test for accessing triangular/symmetric matrices
ublas/test/triangular_layout.cpp: added unit test for testing storage layout of triangular/symmetric matrices
ublas/test/common/testhelper.hpp: support routines for new unit tests

ublas/test/CMakeLists.txt: added new tests (still experimental) test_lu, triangular_access. triangular_layout


added new tests (still experimental) test_lu, triangular_access. triangular_layout
disabled broken test7 (maybe a fix of boost::interval is needed, see #2473)

ublas/test/test71.cpp, ublas/test/test73.cpp, ublas/test/test7.cpp:

added first fixes to support boost::interval as scalar type


initialize all matrices/vectors with floats instead of (unsigned) ints
this helps to fix broken test7 for boost::interval

(No files)

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