Changeset 58481

Dec 21, 2009, 4:56:33 PM (13 years ago)

Boost.Chrono: Version 0.3.0, New stopwatch feature

  • independent cpu clocks for real, user, system process CPU time.
  • new Stopwatch concept measuring elapsed time between different points in time associated to the operations start, stop, suspend and resume.
  • stopwatch is a model Stopwatch measuring the elapsed time between the start and the stop operations.
  • stopwatch_accumulator is a model Stopwatch allowing to accumulate several time samples and give the average, ...
  • scoped helper classes allowing to pairwise start/stop operations, suspend/resume and resume/suspend a Stopwatch.
  • new Stopwatch Formatter concept
  • stopwatch_reporter is a generic class reporting elapsed time for the Stopwatch concept.
  • process_times.hpp has been deprecated, see process_clocks.hpp, process_stopwhatches.hpp and process_stopwhatches_reporter.hpp.
  • timer.hpp has been deprecated, see stopwatch.
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