Changeset 75009

Oct 17, 2011, 11:32:28 AM (11 years ago)

Merge from trunk:

  • Make number of strand implementations configurable by defining BOOST_ASIO_STRAND_IMPLEMENTATIONS to the number.
  • Programs can now define BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_SEQUENTIAL_STRAND_ALLOCATION to switch the allocation of strand implementations to use a round-robin approach rather than hashing.
  • Fix potential strand starvation issue that can occur when is used.
  • Update descriptor state allocation in kqueue_reactor to match approach used in epoll_reactor.
  • Construct epoll_reactor's interrupter member first to fix exception safety issue. Fixes #6006
  • Clarify that the read operation ends when the buffer is full. Fixes #5999
(No files)

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