Changeset 75561

Nov 19, 2011, 11:29:24 PM (11 years ago)
Daniel James

Detail: complex is a struct in Dinkumware.

IIRC it's class in SGI's STL and most other implementations. The state
for similar warnings for the compilers that I've looked at:

  • Visual C++ never warns because I used a pragma to disable the warning.
  • GCC never warns with its standard library since it contains a system_header pragma. It might warn for other libraries.
  • Clang respects GCC's pragma so it never warns for GCC's standard library. Forward declarations are disabled for libc++ so this isn't an issue there. It does warn when using Dinkumware and possibly other standard libraries.

I'm tempted to make container forwarding 'opt-in' rather than 'opt-out'.
Or maybe only enable for compiler/library combinations where it's known
to work.

(No files)

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