Changeset 77442

Mar 20, 2012, 11:43:33 PM (11 years ago)
Daniel James

Quickbook: Rough stab at outputting dependencies. Refs #6691

Adds --output-deps flag. To write out dependencies to deps.txt:

quickbook --output-deps deps.txt source.qbk

If --output-deps is specified, quickbook won't generate an output file
unless one is specified with --output-file. If there is an error it
will return an error code, but it will still write out all the opened

Known issues:

  • If the same file is included/imported twice it may or may not list it twice. Should be consistent.
  • Doesn't include SVG files. It probably should as they can affect the output.
  • Need to check some of the path issues for things such as xinclude paths which depend on the output file path.
  • Needs tests and documentation.
(No files)

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