Changeset 85001

Jul 10, 2013, 9:54:06 PM (9 years ago)
Joaquín M López Muñoz
  • multi_index_container is now efficiently movable.
  • Initializer lists supported.
  • Emplace functions provided.
  • Non-copyable elements (such as std::unique_ptr<T>) supported. This includes insertion of a range [first,last) where the iterators point to a type that is convertible to that of the element: no copy construction happens in the process.
  • Random access indices provide shrink_to_fit().
  • The following classes are deprecated:
    • member_offset,
    • const_mem_fun_explicit,
    • mem_fun_explicit,
    • composite_key_result_equal_to,
    • composite_key_result_less,
    • composite_key_result_greater,
    • composite_key_result_hash.
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