Milestone Website 1.0

Completed 15 years ago (Mar 28, 2008, 4:00:00 PM)


Total number of tickets: 47 - closed: 47 - active: 0


1 / 1

trac / subversion

1 / 1


45 / 45

The goal of this milestone is to complete the basic development of the new web site structure and design sufficiently for launching it as a replacement for the current web site. This entails completing the following tasks:

  • Moving the existing non-library content from the Boost tree into the new structure at website/public_html/beta.
  • Adding new content as needed to website/public_html/beta.
  • Completing tools and utilities needed to support the new web site. This would include integrating standard, i.e. off the shelf, web site verification test tools into the development process.
  • Performing browser compatibility testing.
  • Launch.

Some aspect of separating some of the current Boost documentation into web site (non-library) and library content bear mentioning:

  • The expected effect is to reduce the amount of documentation cleanup and maintenance needed for doing Boost releases themselves.
  • The web site content content doesn't have to be in perfect working order, as it can be incrementally adjusted and fixed without bearing on the releases.
  • Moving content to the web site, also means that the content for the Boost release also needs to be reworked. In particular to reflect the user audience instead of all audiences. This also means that there need to be tasks on the Boost release side for this work.

The plan to accomplish this is:

  1. With the help of developers, to move all non-library content into the web site.
  2. To fill in missing "glue" content, and to clean up the web site sections as needed.
  3. Do a comprehensive browser compatibility check.
  4. To institute a regular testing cycle (to check for things like XHTML conformance and bad links).
  5. To complete the Quickbook backend changes to support using it for building the more dynamic parts of the web site, i.e. the parts that will have RSS feeds:
    • News items
    • Download items, i.e. the release of Boost, Boost.Build, Boost.Jam, etc.
    • Libraries list (optional)

Moving content:

  • Help is needed to move content and most of the tickets on this milestone are for moving over content from the existing locations to the new structure.
  • If you want to help, jump right in and grab any of the unassigned tickets. Head over to the page on updating the content to learn what you need to do to get the content in.
Note: See TracRoadmap for help on using the roadmap.