// Output (Note that 'finish_edge' is never printed): // The example graph: // 0 --> 1 2 // 1 --> 2 // 2 --> 0 #include #include #include #include #include template struct TalkativeVisitor : boost::dfs_visitor<> { typedef typename boost::graph_traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef typename boost::graph_traits::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor; // // Commented out to avoid clutter of the output. // void discover_vertex(vertex_descriptor u, const graph_t&) { // check! // std::cout << "discover_vertex: " << u << std::endl; // } // void finish_vertex(vertex_descriptor u, const graph_t&) { // check! // std::cout << "finish_vertex: " << u << std::endl; // } // void initialize_vertex(vertex_descriptor u, const graph_t&) { // check! // std::cout << "initialize_vertex: " << u << std::endl; // } // void start_vertex(vertex_descriptor u, const graph_t&) { // check! // std::cout << "start_vertex: " << u << std::endl; // } // void examine_edge(edge_descriptor u, const graph_t&) { // check! // std::cout << "examine_edge: " << u << std::endl; // } // void tree_edge(edge_descriptor u, const graph_t&) { // check! // std::cout << "tree_edge: " << u << std::endl; // } // void back_edge(edge_descriptor u, const graph_t&) { // check! // std::cout << "back_edge: " << u << std::endl; // } // void forward_or_cross_edge(edge_descriptor u, const graph_t&) { // check! // std::cout << "forward_or_cross_edge: " << u << std::endl; // } void finish_edge(edge_descriptor u, const graph_t&) { // uncalled! std::cout << "finish_edge: " << u << std::endl; } }; template std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const std::pair &x) { return os << "(" << x.first << ", " << x.second << ")"; } int main(int, char*[]) { using namespace boost; typedef adjacency_list Graph; Graph G; typedef graph_traits >::vertex_descriptor Vertex; Vertex a = add_vertex(G); Vertex b = add_vertex(G); Vertex c = add_vertex(G); add_edge(a, b, G); add_edge(b, c, G); add_edge(c, a, G); add_edge(a, c, G); std::cout << "The example graph:" << std::endl; print_graph(G); std::vector color(num_vertices(G)); depth_first_search(G, visitor(TalkativeVisitor())); return 0; }