#=============================================================================== # Filename: boost.sh # Author: Pete Goodliffe, Daniel Rosser # Copyright: (c) Copyright 2009 Pete Goodliffe, 2013 Daniel Rosser # Licence: Please feel free to use this, with attribution # Modified version ## for ofxiOSBoost #=============================================================================== # # Builds a Boost framework for the iPhone. # Creates a set of universal libraries that can be used on an iPhone and in the # iPhone simulator. Then creates a pseudo-framework to make using boost in Xcode # less painful. # # To configure the script, define: # BOOST_LIBS: which libraries to build # IPHONE_SDKVERSION: iPhone SDK version (e.g. 8.0) # # Then go get the source tar.bz of the boost you want to build, shove it in the # same directory as this script, and run "./boost.sh". Grab a cuppa. And voila. #=============================================================================== #!/bin/sh here="`dirname \"$0\"`" echo "cd-ing to $here" cd "$here" || exit 1 CPPSTD=c++11 #c++89, c++99, c++14 STDLIB=libc++ # libstdc++ COMPILER=clang++ BOOST_V1=1.57.0 BOOST_V2=1_57_0 CURRENTPATH=`pwd` LOGDIR="$CURRENTPATH/build/logs/" SDKVERSION=`xcrun -sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-version` OSX_SDKVERSION=`xcrun -sdk macosx --show-sdk-version` DEVELOPER=`xcode-select -print-path` XCODE_ROOT=`xcode-select -print-path` if [ ! -d "$DEVELOPER" ]; then echo "xcode path is not set correctly $DEVELOPER does not exist (most likely because of xcode > 4.3)" echo "run" echo "sudo xcode-select -switch " echo "for default installation:" echo "sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer" exit 1 fi case $DEVELOPER in *\ * ) echo "Your Xcode path contains whitespaces, which is not supported." exit 1 ;; esac case $CURRENTPATH in *\ * ) echo "Your path contains whitespaces, which is not supported by 'make install'." exit 1 ;; esac #: ${BOOST_LIBS:="random regex graph random chrono thread signals filesystem system date_time"} : ${BOOST_LIBS:="coroutine random regex graph random chrono thread signals filesystem system date_time"} : ${IPHONE_SDKVERSION:=`xcodebuild -showsdks | grep iphoneos | egrep "[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+" -o | tail -1`} : ${EXTRA_CPPFLAGS:="-DBOOST_AC_USE_PTHREADS -DBOOST_SP_USE_PTHREADS -std=$CPPSTD -stdlib=$STDLIB"} # The EXTRA_CPPFLAGS definition works around a thread race issue in # shared_ptr. I encountered this historically and have not verified that # the fix is no longer required. Without using the posix thread primitives # an invalid compare-and-swap ARM instruction (non-thread-safe) was used for the # shared_ptr use count causing nasty and subtle bugs. # # Should perhaps also consider/use instead: -BOOST_SP_USE_PTHREADS : ${TARBALLDIR:=`pwd`/..} : ${SRCDIR:=`pwd`/../build/src} : ${IOSBUILDDIR:=`pwd`/../build/libs/boost/lib} : ${IOSINCLUDEDIR:=`pwd`/../build/libs/boost/include/boost} : ${PREFIXDIR:=`pwd`/../build/ios/prefix} : ${COMPILER:="clang++"} : ${OUTPUT_DIR:=`pwd`/../libs/boost/} : ${OUTPUT_DIR_LIB:=`pwd`/../libs/boost/ios/} : ${OUTPUT_DIR_SRC:=`pwd`/../libs/boost/include/boost} : ${BOOST_VERSION:=$BOOST_V1} : ${BOOST_VERSION2:=$BOOST_V2} BOOST_TARBALL=$TARBALLDIR/boost_$BOOST_VERSION2.tar.bz2 BOOST_SRC=$SRCDIR/boost_${BOOST_VERSION2} BOOST_INCLUDE=$BOOST_SRC/boost #=============================================================================== ARM_DEV_CMD="xcrun --sdk iphoneos" SIM_DEV_CMD="xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator" OSX_DEV_CMD="xcrun --sdk macosx" ARM_COMBINED_LIB=$IOSBUILDDIR/lib_boost_arm.a #=============================================================================== #=============================================================================== # Functions #=============================================================================== abort() { echo echo "Aborted: $@" exit 1 } doneSection() { echo echo "=================================================================" echo "Done" echo } #=============================================================================== cleanEverythingReadyToStart() { echo Cleaning everything before we start to build... rm -rf iphone-build iphonesim-build osx-build rm -rf $IOSBUILDDIR rm -rf $PREFIXDIR rm -rf $IOSINCLUDEDIR rm -rf $TARBALLDIR/build rm -rf $LOGDIR doneSection } postcleanEverything() { echo Cleaning everything after the build... rm -rf iphone-build iphonesim-build osx-build rm -rf $PREFIXDIR rm -rf $IOSBUILDDIR/armv6/obj rm -rf $IOSBUILDDIR/armv7/obj rm -rf $IOSBUILDDIR/armv7s/obj rm -rf $IOSBUILDDIR/arm64/obj rm -rf $IOSBUILDDIR/i386/obj rm -rf $IOSBUILDDIR/x86_64/obj rm -rf $TARBALLDIR/build rm -rf $LOGDIR doneSection } prepare() { mkdir -p $LOGDIR mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR_SRC mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR_LIB } #=============================================================================== downloadBoost() { if [ ! -s $TARBALLDIR/boost_${BOOST_VERSION2}.tar.bz2 ]; then echo "Downloading boost ${BOOST_VERSION}" curl -L -o $TARBALLDIR/boost_${BOOST_VERSION2}.tar.bz2 sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/${BOOST_VERSION}/boost_${BOOST_VERSION2}.tar.bz2/download fi doneSection } #=============================================================================== unpackBoost() { [ -f "$BOOST_TARBALL" ] || abort "Source tarball missing." echo Unpacking boost into $SRCDIR... [ -d $SRCDIR ] || mkdir -p $SRCDIR [ -d $BOOST_SRC ] || ( cd $SRCDIR; tar xfj $BOOST_TARBALL ) [ -d $BOOST_SRC ] && echo " ...unpacked as $BOOST_SRC" doneSection } #=============================================================================== restoreBoost() { cp $BOOST_SRC/tools/build/example/user-config.jam-bk $BOOST_SRC/tools/build/example/user-config.jam } #=============================================================================== updateBoost() { echo Updating boost into $BOOST_SRC... cp $BOOST_SRC/tools/build/example/user-config.jam $BOOST_SRC/tools/build/example/user-config.jam-bk cat >> $BOOST_SRC/tools/build/example/user-config.jam < $XCODE_ROOT/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer : arm iphone ; using darwin : ${IPHONE_SDKVERSION}~iphonesim : $XCODE_ROOT/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/$COMPILER -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden $EXTRA_CPPFLAGS : $XCODE_ROOT/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer : x86 iphone ; EOF doneSection } #=============================================================================== inventMissingHeaders() { # These files are missing in the ARM iPhoneOS SDK, but they are in the simulator. # They are supported on the device, so we copy them from x86 SDK to a staging area # to use them on ARM, too. echo Invent missing headers cp $XCODE_ROOT/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator${IPHONE_SDKVERSION}.sdk/usr/include/{crt_externs,bzlib}.h $BOOST_SRC } #=============================================================================== bootstrapBoost() { cd $BOOST_SRC BOOST_LIBS_COMMA=$(echo $BOOST_LIBS | sed -e "s/ /,/g") echo "Bootstrapping (with libs $BOOST_LIBS_COMMA)" ./bootstrap.sh --with-libraries=$BOOST_LIBS_COMMA doneSection } #=============================================================================== buildBoostForIPhoneOS() { cd $BOOST_SRC # Install this one so we can copy the includes for the frameworks... set +e echo "------------------" LOG="$LOGDIR/build-iphone-stage.log" echo "Running bjam for iphone-build stage" echo "To see status in realtime check:" echo " ${LOG}" echo "Please stand by..." ./bjam -j16 --build-dir=iphone-build -sBOOST_BUILD_USER_CONFIG=$BOOST_SRC/tools/build/example/user-config.jam --stagedir=iphone-build/stage --prefix=$PREFIXDIR abi=aapcs binary-format=mach-o address-model=32 toolset=darwin architecture=arm target-os=iphone macosx-version=iphone-${IPHONE_SDKVERSION} define=_LITTLE_ENDIAN link=static stage > "${LOG}" 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Problem while Building iphone-build stage - Please check ${LOG}" exit 1 else echo "iphone-build stage successful" fi echo "------------------" LOG="$LOGDIR/build-iphone-install.log" echo "Running bjam for iphone-build install" echo "To see status in realtime check:" echo " ${LOG}" echo "Please stand by..." ./bjam -j16 --build-dir=iphone-build -sBOOST_BUILD_USER_CONFIG=$BOOST_SRC/tools/build/example/user-config.jam --stagedir=iphone-build/stage --prefix=$PREFIXDIR abi=aapcs binary-format=mach-o address-model=32 toolset=darwin architecture=arm target-os=iphone macosx-version=iphone-${IPHONE_SDKVERSION} define=_LITTLE_ENDIAN link=static install > "${LOG}" 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Problem while Building iphone-build install - Please check ${LOG}" exit 1 else echo "iphone-build install successful" fi doneSection echo "------------------" LOG="$LOGDIR/build-iphone-simulator-build.log" echo "Running bjam for iphone-sim-build " echo "To see status in realtime check:" echo " ${LOG}" echo "Please stand by..." ./bjam -j16 --build-dir=iphonesim-build -sBOOST_BUILD_USER_CONFIG=$BOOST_SRC/tools/build/example/user-config.jam --stagedir=iphonesim-build/stage --toolset=darwin-${IPHONE_SDKVERSION}~iphonesim architecture=x86 target-os=iphone macosx-version=iphonesim-${IPHONE_SDKVERSION} link=static stage > "${LOG}" 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Problem while Building iphone-simulator build - Please check ${LOG}" exit 1 else echo "iphone-simulator build successful" fi doneSection } #=============================================================================== scrunchAllLibsTogetherInOneLibPerPlatform() { cd $BOOST_SRC mkdir -p $IOSBUILDDIR/armv7/obj mkdir -p $IOSBUILDDIR/armv7s/obj mkdir -p $IOSBUILDDIR/arm64/obj mkdir -p $IOSBUILDDIR/i386/obj mkdir -p $IOSBUILDDIR/x86_64/obj ALL_LIBS="" echo Splitting all existing fat binaries... for NAME in $BOOST_LIBS; do ALL_LIBS="$ALL_LIBS libboost_$NAME.a" $ARM_DEV_CMD lipo "iphone-build/stage/lib/libboost_$NAME.a" -thin armv7 -o $IOSBUILDDIR/armv7/libboost_$NAME.a $ARM_DEV_CMD lipo "iphone-build/stage/lib/libboost_$NAME.a" -thin armv7s -o $IOSBUILDDIR/armv7s/libboost_$NAME.a $ARM_DEV_CMD lipo "iphone-build/stage/lib/libboost_$NAME.a" -thin arm64 -o $IOSBUILDDIR/arm64/libboost_$NAME.a $ARM_DEV_CMD lipo "iphonesim-build/stage/lib/libboost_$NAME.a" -thin i386 -o $IOSBUILDDIR/i386/libboost_$NAME.a $ARM_DEV_CMD lipo "iphonesim-build/stage/lib/libboost_$NAME.a" -thin x86_64 -o $IOSBUILDDIR/x86_64/libboost_$NAME.a done echo "Decomposing each architecture's .a files" for NAME in $ALL_LIBS; do echo Decomposing $NAME... (cd $IOSBUILDDIR/armv7/obj; ar -x ../$NAME ); (cd $IOSBUILDDIR/armv7s/obj; ar -x ../$NAME ); (cd $IOSBUILDDIR/arm64/obj; ar -x ../$NAME ); (cd $IOSBUILDDIR/i386/obj; ar -x ../$NAME ); (cd $IOSBUILDDIR/x86_64/obj; ar -x ../$NAME ); done echo "Linking each architecture into an uberlib ($ALL_LIBS => libboost.a )" rm $IOSBUILDDIR/*/libboost.a echo ...armv7 (cd $IOSBUILDDIR/armv7; $ARM_DEV_CMD ar crus libboost.a obj/*.o; ) echo ...armv7s (cd $IOSBUILDDIR/armv7s; $ARM_DEV_CMD ar crus libboost.a obj/*.o; ) echo ...arm64 (cd $IOSBUILDDIR/arm64; $ARM_DEV_CMD ar crus libboost.a obj/*.o; ) echo ...i386 (cd $IOSBUILDDIR/i386; $SIM_DEV_CMD ar crus libboost.a obj/*.o; ) echo ...x86_64 (cd $IOSBUILDDIR/x86_64; $SIM_DEV_CMD ar crus libboost.a obj/*.o; ) echo "Making fat lib for iOS Boost $BOOST_VERSION" lipo -c $IOSBUILDDIR/armv7/libboost.a \ $IOSBUILDDIR/armv7s/libboost.a \ $IOSBUILDDIR/arm64/libboost.a \ $IOSBUILDDIR/i386/libboost.a \ $IOSBUILDDIR/x86_64/libboost.a \ -output $OUTPUT_DIR_LIB/boost.a echo "Completed Fat Lib" echo "------------------" } #=============================================================================== buildIncludes() { mkdir -p $IOSINCLUDEDIR echo "------------------" echo "Copying Includes to Final Dir $OUTPUT_DIR_SRC" LOG="$LOGDIR/buildIncludes.log" set +e cp -r $PREFIXDIR/include/boost/* $OUTPUT_DIR_SRC/ > "${LOG}" 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Problem while copying includes - Please check ${LOG}" exit 1 else echo "Copy of Includes successful" fi echo "------------------" doneSection } #=============================================================================== # Execution starts here #=============================================================================== mkdir -p $IOSBUILDDIR cleanEverythingReadyToStart #may want to comment if repeatedly running during dev restoreBoost echo "BOOST_VERSION: $BOOST_VERSION" echo "BOOST_LIBS: $BOOST_LIBS" echo "BOOST_SRC: $BOOST_SRC" echo "IOSBUILDDIR: $IOSBUILDDIR" echo "PREFIXDIR: $PREFIXDIR" echo "IOSFRAMEWORKDIR: $IOSFRAMEWORKDIR" echo "OSXFRAMEWORKDIR: $OSXFRAMEWORKDIR" echo "IPHONE_SDKVERSION: $IPHONE_SDKVERSION" echo "XCODE_ROOT: $XCODE_ROOT" echo "COMPILER: $COMPILER" echo downloadBoost unpackBoost #inventMissingHeaders prepare bootstrapBoost updateBoost buildBoostForIPhoneOS scrunchAllLibsTogetherInOneLibPerPlatform buildIncludes restoreBoost postcleanEverything echo "Completed successfully" #===============================================================================