# Copyright Deniz Bahadir 2015 # # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # # See http://www.boost.org/libs/mpl for documentation. # See http://stackoverflow.com/a/20660264/3115457 for further information. # See http://stackoverflow.com/a/29627158/3115457 for further information. import argparse import sys import os import os.path import re import fileinput import shutil def create_more_container_files(sourceDir, suffix, maxElements, containers, containers2): """Creates additional files for the individual MPL-containers.""" # Create files for each MPL-container with 20 to 'maxElements' elements # which will be used during generation. for container in containers: for i in range(20, maxElements, 10): # Create copy of "template"-file. newFile = os.path.join( sourceDir, container, container + str(i+10) + suffix ) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join( sourceDir, container, container + "20" + suffix ), newFile ) # Adjust copy of "template"-file accordingly. for line in fileinput.input( newFile, inplace=1, mode="rU" ): line = re.sub(r'20', re.escape(str(i+10)), line.rstrip()) line = re.sub(r'11', re.escape(str(i + 1)), line.rstrip()) line = re.sub(r'10(?![0-9])', re.escape(str(i)), line.rstrip()) print(line) for container in containers2: for i in range(20, maxElements, 10): # Create copy of "template"-file. newFile = os.path.join( sourceDir, container, container + str(i+10) + "_c" + suffix ) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join( sourceDir, container, container + "20_c" + suffix ), newFile ) # Adjust copy of "template"-file accordingly. for line in fileinput.input( newFile, inplace=1, mode="rU" ): line = re.sub(r'20', re.escape(str(i+10)), line.rstrip()) line = re.sub(r'11', re.escape(str(i + 1)), line.rstrip()) line = re.sub(r'10(?![0-9])', re.escape(str(i)), line.rstrip()) print(line) def create_input_for_numbered_sequences(headerDir, sourceDir, containers, maxElements): """Creates additional source- and header-files for the numbered sequence MPL-containers.""" # Create additional container-list without "map". containersWithoutMap = containers[:] try: containersWithoutMap.remove('map') except ValueError: # We can safely ignore if "map" is not contained in 'containers'! pass # Create header/source-files. create_more_container_files(headerDir, ".hpp", maxElements, containers, containersWithoutMap) create_more_container_files(sourceDir, ".cpp", maxElements, containers, containersWithoutMap) def adjust_container_limits_for_variadic_sequences(headerDir, containers, maxElements): """Adjusts the limits of variadic sequence MPL-containers.""" for container in containers: headerFile = os.path.join( headerDir, "limits", container + ".hpp" ) regexMatch = r'(define\s+BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_' + container.upper() + r'_SIZE\s+)[0-9]+' regexReplace = r'\g<1>' + re.escape( str(maxElements) ) for line in fileinput.input( headerFile, inplace=1, mode="rU" ): line = re.sub(regexMatch, regexReplace, line.rstrip()) print(line) def to_positive_multiple_of_10(string): """Converts a string into its encoded positive integer (greater zero) or throws an exception.""" try: value = int(string) except ValueError: msg = '"%r" is not a positive multiple of 10 (greater zero).' % string raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg) if value <= 0 or value % 10 != 0: msg = '"%r" is not a positive multiple of 10 (greater zero).' % string raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg) return value def to_existing_absolute_path(string): """Converts a path into its absolute path and verifies that it exists or throws an exception.""" value = os.path.abspath(string) if not os.path.exists( value ) or not os.path.isdir( value ): msg = '"%r" is not a valid path to a directory.' % string raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg) return value def main(): """The main function.""" # Prepare and run cmdline-parser. cmdlineParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A generator-script for pre-processed Boost.MPL headers.") cmdlineParser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest='verbose', action='store_true', help="Be a little bit more verbose.") cmdlineParser.add_argument("-s", "--sequence-type", dest='seqType', choices=['variadic', 'numbered', 'both'], default='both', help="Only update pre-processed headers for the selected sequence types, " "either 'numbered' sequences, 'variadic' sequences or 'both' sequence " "types. (Default=both)") cmdlineParser.add_argument("--no-vector", dest='want_vector', action='store_false', help="Do not update pre-processed headers for Boost.MPL Vector.") cmdlineParser.add_argument("--no-list", dest='want_list', action='store_false', help="Do not update pre-processed headers for Boost.MPL List.") cmdlineParser.add_argument("--no-set", dest='want_set', action='store_false', help="Do not update pre-processed headers for Boost.MPL Set.") cmdlineParser.add_argument("--no-map", dest='want_map', action='store_false', help="Do not update pre-processed headers for Boost.MPL Map.") cmdlineParser.add_argument("--num-elements", dest='numElements', metavar="", type=to_positive_multiple_of_10, default=100, help="The maximal number of elements per container sequence. (Default=100)") cmdlineParser.add_argument(dest='sourceDir', metavar="", type=to_existing_absolute_path, help="The source-directory of Boost.") args = cmdlineParser.parse_args() # Some verbose debug output. if args.verbose: print "Arguments extracted from command-line:" print " verbose = ", args.verbose print " source directory = ", args.sourceDir print " num elements = ", args.numElements print " sequence type = ", args.seqType print " want: vector = ", args.want_vector print " want: list = ", args.want_list print " want: set = ", args.want_set print " want: map = ", args.want_map # The directories for header- and source files of Boost.MPL. # NOTE: Assuming 'args.sourceDir' is the source-directory of the entire boost project. headerDir = os.path.join( args.sourceDir, "boost", "mpl" ) sourceDir = os.path.join( args.sourceDir, "libs", "mpl", "preprocessed" ) # Check that the header/source-directories exist. if not os.path.exists( headerDir ) or not os.path.exists( sourceDir ): # Maybe 'args.sourceDir' is not the source-directory of the entire boost project # but instead of the Boost.MPL git-directory, only? headerDir = os.path.join( args.sourceDir, "include", "boost", "mpl" ) sourceDir = os.path.join( args.sourceDir, "preprocessed" ) if not os.path.exists( headerDir ) or not os.path.exists( sourceDir ): cmdlineParser.print_usage() print "error: Cannot find Boost.MPL header/source files in given Boost source-directory!" sys.exit(0) # Some verbose debug output. if args.verbose: print "Chosen header-directory: ", headerDir print "Chosen source-directory: ", sourceDir # Create list of containers for which files shall be pre-processed. containers = [] if args.want_vector: containers.append('vector') if args.want_list: containers.append('list') if args.want_set: containers.append('set') if args.want_map: containers.append('map') if containers == []: print "Nothing to do. (Why did you prevent generating pre-processed headers for all Boost.MPL container types?" sys.exit(0) # Some verbose debug output. if args.verbose: print "Containers for which to pre-process headers: ", containers # Create (additional) input files for generating pre-processed headers of numbered sequence MPL containers. if args.seqType == "both" or args.seqType == "numbered": create_input_for_numbered_sequences(headerDir, sourceDir, containers, args.numElements) # Modify settings for generating pre-processed headers of variadic sequence MPL containers. if args.seqType == "both" or args.seqType == "variadic": adjust_container_limits_for_variadic_sequences(headerDir, containers, args.numElements) # Generate MPL-preprocessed files. os.chdir( sourceDir ) if args.seqType == "both" or args.seqType == "numbered": if args.want_vector: if args.verbose: print "Pre-process headers for Boost.MPL numbered vectors." os.system( "python " + os.path.join( sourceDir, "preprocess_vector.py" ) + " all " + args.sourceDir ) if args.want_list: if args.verbose: print "Pre-process headers for Boost.MPL numbered lists." os.system( "python " + os.path.join( sourceDir, "preprocess_list.py" ) + " all " + args.sourceDir ) if args.want_set: if args.verbose: print "Pre-process headers for Boost.MPL numbered sets." os.system( "python " + os.path.join( sourceDir, "preprocess_set.py" ) + " all " + args.sourceDir ) if args.want_map: if args.verbose: print "Pre-process headers for Boost.MPL numbered maps." os.system( "python " + os.path.join( sourceDir, "preprocess_map.py" ) + " all " + args.sourceDir ) if args.seqType == "both" or args.seqType == "variadic": if args.verbose: print "Pre-process headers for Boost.MPL variadic containers." os.system( "python " + os.path.join( sourceDir, "preprocess.py" ) + " all " + args.sourceDir ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()