# Copyright (C) Christopher Currie 2003. Permission to copy, use, # modify, sell and distribute this software is granted provided this # copyright notice appears in all copies. This software is provided # "as is" without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to # its suitability for any purpose. # Please see http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.build/3389/ # for explanation why it's a separate toolset. import common, gcc, builtin from b2.build import feature, toolset, type, action, generators from b2.util.utility import * toolset.register ('mingw') toolset.inherit_generators ('mingw', [], 'gcc') toolset.inherit_flags ('mingw', 'gcc') toolset.inherit_rules ('mingw', 'gcc') def init (version = None, command = None, options = None): options = to_seq (options) condition = common.check_init_parameters ('mingw', None, ('version', version)) command = common.get_invocation_command ('mingw', 'g++', command) common.handle_options ('mingw', condition, command, options) # This is flag is useful for debugging the link step # uncomment to see what libtool is doing under the hood # toolset.flags ('mingw.link.dll', 'OPTIONS', None, '[-Wl,-v'])